Course syllabus for Medicine for financial analysts

Medicin för finansanalytiker

Essential data

Course code: 9C3002
Course name: Medicine for financial analysts
Credits: 7.5
Form of Education: Contract education (credits)
Main field of study: Medicine
Level: G1 - First cycle 1
Grading scale: Fail (U) or pass (G)
Department: Department of Physiology and Pharmacology
Decided by: Education committee FyFa
Decision date: 2022-03-16
Course syllabus valid from: Spring semester 2022

Specific entry requirements

General admission requirements.


The aim of the course is that the student shall get an overview of the organ system of the human body, mechanisms for health and disease, risk factors, prevention, diagnostics and treatment regarding common chronic diseases, the organisation of the health care system, the basics regarding scientific methodology, assessment of quality and significance of scientific studies, development of and regulatory processes for drugs, medical devices and digital services for the health care system and health economics analyses of different methods.

After completing the course, the student shall be able to:
- Account at a general level for basic cell biology, molecular biology and genetics
- Account at a general level for overarching functions of the organ systems' of the human body and their interplay
- Account for basic knowledge regarding disease mechanisms, risk factors, prevention, diagnostics and treatment for several common disease areas
- Describe the organisation of the health care system at a general level
- Account for the development of and the regulatory processes for drugs, medical devices and digital services for the health care sector
- Be familiar with health economics analyses of different methods
- Be familiar with the tools and methods that are used in medical research
- Know how a critical review of a scientific article is conducted
- Have knowledge of medical library databases and other database sources


The course is divided in three modules.

The organ systems of the human body including genetics and cell biology, 2.5 credits

Grading scale: GU
Basic cell biology, molecular biology and genetics

Organ systems' overarching functions and interplay in the healthy human

Health and disease, 2.5 credits

Grading scale: GU
Mechanisms for health and disease

Risk factors, prevention, diagnostics and treatment regarding common diseases

The organisation of the health care system

The scientific method and health economics, 2.5 credits

Grading scale: GU
The basics of scientific methodology

Assessment of quality and importance of scientific studies

Development of and regulatory processes for drugs, medical engineering products and digital services for the health care

Health economics analyses of different methods

Teaching methods

The learning methods that are applied are lectures, group seminars, individual assignments and self-study.


Module 1
Written assignment Graded Fail/Pass.
Oral presentation. Graded Fail/Pass.

Module 2
Written assignment Graded Fail/Pass.
Oral presentation. Graded Fail/Pass.

Module 3
Written assignment Graded Fail/Pass.
Oral presentation. Graded Fail/Pass.

Written assignments should be submitted before the end of the course according to the specification in the schedule. To pass the course (the grade Pass ), Pass on all examinations in the course is required.

Limitation of number of tests or practical training sessions
The students that have not passed after regular examination session have the right to participate in one additional examination occasion. If the student has carried out two failed examinations/tests, no additional examination or new course admission is approved.

Each occasion the student participates in the same test counts as an examination. Submission of a blank examination is regarded as an examination. In case a student is registered for an examination but does not attend, this is not regarded as an examination.

In the event of special circumstances, or if a student with a disability is in need of certain adjustments, the examiner may decide to depart from the syllabus' regulations on examination form, number of examination opportunities, possibility of completion or exemption from compulsory educational elements, etc. Content and intended learning outcomes as well as the level of expected skills, knowledge and abilities must not be altered, removed or lowered.

Other directives

Course evaluation takes place according to the guidelines that are established by the Committee for education at basic level and second cycle.

Literature and other teaching aids

  • Biologi Campus 1 onlinebok, Arvanitis, Leena; Hamza, Karim; Sundberg, Carl Johan; Pålsson, Anders, Sanoma Utbildning, 2017 ISBN: 9789152352298, LIBRIS-ID: bmn3lb0w8rwlbnwx, *
  • Biologi Campus 2 onlinebok, Arvanitis, Leena; Hamza, Karim; Sundberg, Carl Johan; Pålsson, Anders, Sanoma Utbildning, 2018 ISBN: 9789152339954, LIBRIS-ID: 20847665, *
  • Medicinska sjukdomar, Ericson, Thomas; Lind, Marcus, Femte upplagan : Lund : Studentlitteratur, [2020] - 789 sidor ISBN: 9789144133058, LIBRIS-ID: r3lzcq0gpt93c3dz, *
  • Grunderna för ett vetenskapligt förhållningssätt inom medicinen, Nyrén, Olof; Garwicz, Martin; Shoshan, Maria; Nilsson, Kerstin, Första upplagan : Stockholm : Liber, 2018 - 385 sidor ISBN: 978-91-47-11400-9, LIBRIS-ID: 21803176, *

Other literature such as official reports from the Swedish Medical Products Agency, TLV and EMA will be provided during the course.