Course syllabus for Organizational Dynamics, contract education

Organisationens dynamik, uppdragsutbildning

Essential data

Course code: 9C7007
Course name: Organizational Dynamics, contract education
Credits: 7.5
Form of Education: Contract education (credits)
Main field of study: Not applicable
Level: AV - Second cycle
Grading scale: Fail (U) or pass (G)
Department: Department of Learning, informatics, Management and Ethics
Decision date: 2007-06-20
Last revised: 2010-05-20
Course syllabus valid from: Autumn semester 2007

Literature and other teaching aids

  • Daft, Richard L., Organization theory and design, 8. ed. : Cincinnati, Ohio : South-Western College Publishing, cop. 2004 - xv, 624 s. ISBN: 0-324-28278-8, LIBRIS-ID: 9747147,
  • Hallin, Bo; Siverbo, Sven, Styrning och organisering inom hälso- och sjukvård, Lund : Studentlitteratur, 2003 - 217 s. ISBN: 91-44-02680-3, LIBRIS-ID: 8844057,
  • Schein, Edgar H., Organizational psychology, 3. ed. : Englewood Cliffs : Prentice-Hall, cop. 1980 - xiv, 274 s. ISBN: 0-13-641332-3 (hft.), LIBRIS-ID: 4565017,