Course syllabus for Eating Disorders - Background and Treatment
Ätstörningar - bakgrund och behandling
Essential data
Course code: 9C8000
Course name: Eating Disorders - Background and Treatment
Credits: 7.5
Form of Education: Contract education (credits)
Main field of study: Medicine
Level: AV - Second cycle
Grading scale: Fail (U) or pass (G)
Department: Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Decided by: Education committee MEB
Decision date: 2021-06-16
Revised by: Education committee MEB
Last revised: 2023-05-16
Course syllabus valid from: Autumn semester 2023
Literature and other teaching aids
- Clinton & Isomaa, Förstå och bemöta ätstörningar, Lund: Studentlitteratur, 2022,
- Bakker, René, Recovery of normal body weight in adolescents with anorexia nervosa: the nurses' perspective on effective interventions, Pub Med, 2011,
- Benjamin, m fl, The use of Structural Analysis of Social Behavior (SASB), An Rev Clin Psychol, 2:83-109, 2006
- Birgegård, Generna som styr anorexin, Modern Psykologi, 9:54-59, 2019
- Birgegård, m fl, DSM-IV vs. DSM-5: Implementation of proposed DSM-5 criteria to a large naturalistic database and comparison of present and future, Inst J Eat Dis, 45:353-361, 2021
- Björk, m fl, Negative self-image and prognosis in eating disorders: Results at 3 years follow-up, Eat Behav, 8:398-40, 2007
- Bulik, Cynthia M, Personliga reflektioner och vad ANGI-resultaten betyder för patienter, familjer och kliniker idag, ANGI, 2019,
- Bulik, Cynthia M, Resultaten från ANGI studien, ANGI, 2019 Resultaten från ANGI studien,
- Clinton, D, Affect regulation, object relations and the central symptoms of eating disorders, in press Ingår i: European eating disorders review, New York : J. Wiley, ISSN: 1099-0968, z Tillgänglig för användare inom Uppsala universitet, (in press)
- Clinton, Towards and ecology of eating disorders: Creating sustainability through the integration of scientific research and clinical practice, Eur Eat Dis Rev, 18: 1 - 9, 2010
- Ätstörningar: bakgrund och aktuella behandlingsmetoder, Clinton, David; Norring, Claes, 3. utg. : Stockholm : Natur och kultur, 2012 - 261 s. ISBN: 9789127133907, LIBRIS-ID: 12541017,
- Clinton & Birgegård, Stort mörkertal för ätstörningar - fler behöver hjälp tidigt, Läkartidningen, 114 maj 29, 2017
- Downs, m fl, A substantive and methodological review of family-based treatment for eating disorders, J Fam Ther, 35, sid 2-28, 2013
- Eisler, Family therapy for adolescents eating disorders: a special form of therapy or family therapy with a specific focus?, J Fam Ther, 35, April, s 1-2, 2013
- Fairburn, Christopher G., Att övervinna hetsätning: ett vetenskapligt utvärderat behandlingsprogram, Andra utgåvan, uppdaterad och utvidgad : 2017 - 244 sidor ISBN: 9789127818170, LIBRIS-ID: 19873464,
- Forsén Mantilla, Emma, Fatal attraction: the relationship between patients and their eating disorders, an interpersonal and attachment perspective, Stockholm : Karolinska Institutet, 2017 - 79 sidor ISBN: 9789176768167, LIBRIS-ID: 21947256,
- Gulliksen, m fl, Preferred therapist characteristics in treatment of anorexia nervosa: The patients perspective, Int J Eat dis, 45: 932-941, 2012
- Hällström, Tore, Självsvält under 1500 år: verk av Gud, djävulen eller viktfixeringen?, 1999 Ingår i: Läkartidningen., Stockholm : Sveriges läkarförbund, 1965- ISSN: 0023-7205,, (1999) p. 4648-4653,
- Karjalainen, m fl, Eating disorders and eating pathology in young adult and adult patients with ESSENCE, Compr Psychiatry, 66: 79-86, 2016
- Molin, m fl, Care management at an outpatient unit fo severe and enduring eating disorder patient at Stockholm Center for Eating disorders - a study protocol, J Eat Disord, 4: 24, 2016
- Monell, E, Emotion dysregulation, self-image and eating disorders, Ingår i: Monell, Elin, Emotion dysregulation, self-image, and eating disorders, Stockholm : Karolinska Institutet, 2021 - 85sidor ISBN: 9789180161985, LIBRIS-ID: 7mcp5m6m52x30fcv, Fritt tillgänglig via KI Open Archive,
- Psychotherapy relationships that work: Volume 1 Evidence-based therapist contributions, Norcross, John C.; Lambert, Michael J., Third edition : New York, NY : Oxford University Press, 2019 - xix, 664 sidor ISBN: 9780190843953, LIBRIS-ID: nz32r82flcbtrx7w,
- Probst, m fl, Physiotherapy fo patients with anorexia nervosa, Adv Eat Disord, 1: 224-238, 2013
- Scribner Reiter, C; Craves, L, Nutrition therapy for eating disorders, Nutr Cliln Prac, 25: 122-136, 2010
- Skåderud, Finn, Eating one´s words, Part III: The Embodied Mind and Reflective Function in Anorexia Nervosa - Theory, in press Ingår i: European eating disorders review, New York : J. Wiley, ISSN: 1099-0968, z Tillgänglig för användare inom Uppsala universitet, (in press)
- Smink, m fl, Epidemiology of eating disorders: Incidence, prevalence and mortality rates, Cur Psychiat Rep, 14: 406-414, 2012
- Ätstörningar: kliniska riktlinjer för utredning och behandling, Wallin, Ulf; Sandeberg, Anna-Maria af; Nilsson, Karin; Linné, Yvonne, 2. uppl. : Sundsvall : Svenska psykiatriska föreningen, 2015 - 134 s. ISBN: 9789188099273, LIBRIS-ID: 18422592,
- Ulfvebrand, m fl, Psychiatric comorbidity in women and men with eating disorders results from a large clinical database, Psychiat Res, 230: 294-299, 2015
- van Ommen, m fl, Effective nursing care of adolescents diagnosed with anorexia nervosa: the patients perspective, J Clin Nurs, 18: 2801-2808, 2009
- Vancamfort, m fl, A systematic review on physical therapy interventions for patients with binge eating disorder, Disabil Rehabil, 35: 2191-2196, 2013