Course syllabus for Degree Project for Master's Degree (60 credits) in Medicine - Dementia Care, contract education

Examensarbete för magisterexamen i medicin - inriktning demensvård, uppdragsutbildning

Essential data

Course code: 9H1025
Course name: Degree Project for Master's Degree (60 credits) in Medicine - Dementia Care, contract education
Credits: 15
Form of Education: Contract education (credits)
Main field of study: Medicine
Level: A1E - Second cycle
Grading scale: Fail (U) or pass (G)
Department: Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society
Decision date: 2011-09-21
Course syllabus valid from: Spring semester 2012

Specific entry requirements

Medical degree of at least 180 credits. In addition, it is required that the following courses about in all 45 credits are completed: • Neuroscience Basis for Cognition and Behaviour (5 credits) • Dementia Disorders (10 credits) • Diagnostics and Medical Investigations (10 credits) • Treatment and Evaluation (5 credits) • Treatment of Disease Process including Behavioural and Psychiatric Symptoms (6 credits) • Palliative Medicine (3 credits) • Quality Assurance and Prioritizations within Dementia Care (6 credits) English language skills equivalent to English B at Swedish upper secondary school are also required.


The aim of the course is to acquire advanced knowledge in scientific theory and method, and in the main field of study medicine with a specialisation in dementia care carry out and present a scientific work in the form of an empirical study or a systematic literature study. On completion of the course, the student should be able to: • show advanced knowledge in the main field of study medicine with a specialisation in dementia care • show ability to systematically search, critically review, and interpret information as a basis for the degree project • identify, formulate, analyse, reflect and assess problems with relevance for medicine with a specialisation in dementia care • choose and argue for choices of design and method • apply research-ethical principles and guidelines • plan, carry out and present a scientific work from a given time frame • discuss and argue the scientific, topic-specific and/or clinical relevance of one's own and others' degree projects. • from a scientific approach, in national and international contexts, both orally and in writing communicate one's own and others' research • demonstrate an understanding of the possibilities and limitations of science, its role in the society and people's responsibility for how it is used • show ability to synthesise existing knowledge and identify needs of additional knowledge within the disciplinary domain and be able to suggest and argue for further research based on own and others' studies


- identify and delimit relevant research questions - research-ethical considerations - Research design - systematic search and critical review of information - data collection and data analysis - summarising of results - writing scientific work - presentation and defence of a degree project - critical review on other student's degree project

Teaching methods

The teaching methods of the course consist of, under supervision, that take place independent and in groups, to plan, carry out and present an independent scientific work. Compulsory teaching in the form of seminars and supervision, individually and in a group, occur. In case of absence from compulsory parts, turn to the course coordinator.


Examination consists of presentation and defence of an independent written degree project with relevance for the subject area nursing and of review and discussion (opponentship) of another student's degree project. The examination is assessed, both with regard to the written contents and the active performance as a respondent and as an opponent.

Literature and other teaching aids

  • Day, Robert A.; Gastel, Barbara, How to write and publish a scientific paper, 6., [updated and enlarged] ed. : Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006 - xv, 302 s. ISBN: 0-521-67167-1 (hft.), LIBRIS-ID: 10148844,
  • Ethics in qualitative research, Mauthner, Melanie, London ; a Thousand Oaks, CA : Sage Publications Ltd, 2002 - x, 172 s. ISBN: 0-7619-7309-5 (hft.), LIBRIS-ID: 8954442,
  • Creswell, John W.; Plano Clark, Vicki L, Designing and conducting mixed methods research, Thousand Oaks, Calif. ; a London : SAGE, cop. 2007 - xviii, 275 p. ISBN: 9781412927918 (hbk.), LIBRIS-ID: 10467450,,
  • Hulley, Stephen B., Designing clinical research, 3. ed. : Philadelphia : Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, cop. 2007 - xv, 367 p. ISBN: 9780781782104, LIBRIS-ID: 10535344,
  • Maxwell, Joseph A., Qualitative research design: an interactive approach, 2. ed. : Thousand Oaks, CA : Sage Publications, cop. 2005 - 175 s. ISBN: 0-7619-2607-0 (cloth), LIBRIS-ID: 9527020,
  • Altman, Douglas G.; Gardner, M. J. q (Martin John), Statistics with confidence [Elektronisk resurs] b confidence intervals and statistical guidelines., 2nd ed. / b edited by Douglas G. Altman .. [et al.]. : [Great Britain] : BMJ Books, 2000. - xii, 240 p. LIBRIS-ID: 9773694, z Tillgänglig för användare inom Uppsala universitet,
  • Cohen, Jacob, Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences, 2. ed. : Hillsdale : L. Erlbaum Associates, 1988 - xxi, 567 s. ISBN: 0-8058-0283-5, LIBRIS-ID: 8310412,
  • Pett, Marjorie A., Nonparametric statistics for health care research: statistics for small samples and unusual distributions, Thousand Oaks : Sage, cop. 1997 - 307 s. ISBN: 0-8039-7038-2, LIBRIS-ID: 5691752,
  • Dahlberg, Karin, Reflective Lifeworld Research, 2. uppl. : Studentlitteratur AB, 2008 ISBN: 91-44-04925-0, LIBRIS-ID: 10616729,
  • Phenomenology and psychological research, Aanstoos, Christopher; Giorgi, Amedeo, Pittsburgh, Pa. : Duquesne University Press, 1985 - x, 216 s. ISBN: 0-8207-0174-2, LIBRIS-ID: 5782272,
  • Cooper, Harris M, Synthesizing research: a guide for literature reviews, 3. ed. : Thousand Oaks : SAGE, cop. 1998 - 201 s. ISBN: 0-7619-1347-5, LIBRIS-ID: 5601608,