Course syllabus for Diagnostics and Medical Investigations, contract education

Medicinsk undersökning och utredning, uppdragsutbildning

Essential data

Course code: 9H1028
Course name: Diagnostics and Medical Investigations, contract education
Credits: 10
Form of Education: Contract education (credits)
Main field of study: Medicine
Level: AV - Second cycle
Grading scale: Fail (U) or pass (G)
Department: Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society
Decision date: 2011-10-18
Course syllabus valid from: Spring semester 2012

Specific entry requirements

At least 120 credits, including a medical degree. English language skills equivalent to English B/English 6 at Swedish upper secondary school are also required.


The student should demonstrate an attitudes that ensures a person-centered handling, with the patient's need in focus in connection with the dementia investigation and that this also will be expressed when the patient's autonomy is gradually deteriorating . On completion of the course, the student should be able to: - identify and classify individuals with dementia disease based on increased understanding of the importance of the dementia investigation - show integrated knowledge of the ethical preconditions and fundamental values that constitutes the basis of the diagnostic work - investigate, and in the continued disease process, handle dementia diseases, their treatments and care - ensure and integrate the different parts in a dementia investigation, such as medical history, status, cognitive testing, blood test analysis, genetic testing and brain imaging technologies to set a diagnosis - carry out different neuropsychiatric tests based on the contents of the tests and their neuro-anatomical antecedent, biomarkers and their usability and limitations in clinical practice, and different brain imaging technologies as part of dementia investigation, their possibilities and limitation. - show knowledge of the usability of assessment of function and activity and its importance to take supporting measures and rehabilitation actions at dementia investigation


The aim and principles of the investigation. An overview. - Background, aim - The Criteria system (ICD10, NINCDS, Vask, Dubois, DSM-V) - Basic investigation according to The National Board of Health and Welfare - Overall picture, components - Medical history (including Åstrand's relative interview) - Status (not the cognitive) - Neurological status - Psychiatric status, estimation scales - Chemistry lab - Expert level investigation - At a general level (be deepened in separate lectures) - Integration of the diagnostic parts to an assessment, diagnosis from criteria - The investigation consequences in the form of measures

Teaching methods

The course is carried out as distance education as half-time studies and has a student-activating learning in focus as educational model. The distance education is IT-based and is characterised by an independent and collaborative learning. In the course occurs both individual study assignments, work in groups, virtual discussions, seminars and lectures.


The examination is both formative, i.e. evaluation during the course, and summational, i.e. evaluation of the contents of the course. The formative examination takes place through active participation in seminar presentations, both individual and in groups. To pass the assignments, it is required that the student has actively participated in the completion of the assignments and in both written and oral presentation/discussion of these. The summational examination takes place through a reflecting individual written report, based on advanced study in chosen fields of the course content, on relevant literature and also a critical discussion of possible application. The reports should also be presented orally. The reports should be presented and discussed in a seminar together with teachers and fellow students.

Other directives

Language of instruction English.