Course syllabus for Research Ethics, Contract Education

Forskningsetik, uppdragsutbildning

Essential data

Course code: 9K2016
Course name: Research Ethics, Contract Education
Credits: 1.5
Form of Education: Contract education (credits)
Main field of study: Pharmaceutical Medicine
Level: AXX - Second cycle
Grading scale: Fail (U), pass (G) or pass with distinction (VG)
Department: Department of Medicine, Solna
Decided by: Education committee MedS
Decision date: 2016-07-04
Course syllabus valid from: Autumn semester 2016

Literature and other teaching aids

  • Beauchamp, Tom L.; Childress, James F., Principles of biomedical ethics, 7. ed. : New York : Oxford University Press, cop. 2013 - xvi, 459 s. ISBN: 9780199924585, LIBRIS-ID: 13753469, *