Course syllabus for Psychiatric Diagnosis and Psychological Treatment E

Psykiatrisk diagnostik och psykologisk behandling E

Essential data

Course code: 9K8091
Course name: Psychiatric Diagnosis and Psychological Treatment E
Credits: 6
Form of Education: Contract education (credits)
Main field of study: Psychology
Level: AV - Second cycle
Grading scale: Fail (U) or pass (G)
Department: Department of Clinical Neuroscience
Decision date: 2019-02-15
Revised by: Education committee CNS
Last revised: 2020-04-14
Course syllabus valid from: Autumn semester 2020

Literature and other teaching aids

Mandatory literature

  • Fairburn, Christopher G., Att övervinna hetsätning: ett vetenskapligt utvärderat behandlingsprogram, Andra utgåvan, uppdaterad och utvidgad : 2017 - 244 sidor ISBN: 9789127818170, LIBRIS-ID: 19873464,
  • Child and adolescent therapy: cognitive-behavioral procedures, Kendall, Philip C., 4th ed. : New York : Guilford Press, cop.2012. - xiv, 538 p. ISBN: 9781606235614, LIBRIS-ID: 12455940,
  • KBT inom barn- och ungdomspsykiatrin, Öst, Lars-Göran, Andra utgåvan : 2017 - 341 sidor ISBN: 9789127819375, LIBRIS-ID: 20815741,

Recommended literature

  • Clinical handbook of psychological disorders: a step-by-step treatment manual, Barlow, David H., Fifth edition. : New York : The Guilford Press, 2014. - xvi, 768 p. ISBN: 9781462513260 (hardcover), LIBRIS-ID: 16260484,
  • Lock, James; Le Grange, Daniel, Treatment manual for anorexia nervosa: a family-based approach, 2. ed. : New York : Guilford Press, cop. 2013 - xxv, 289 p. ISBN: 9781462506767, LIBRIS-ID: 18167090,