Course syllabus for Degree project in Radiography, contract education
Examensarbete i radiografi, uppdragsutbildning
Essential data
Specific entry requirements
90 credits from The Study Programme in Radiography (all courses, semester 1-3), and at least 15 credits from semester 4, and the course Scientifically attitudes and methods for quality development 3 (6 credits).
On completion of the course, the student should be able to:
- delimit and formulate a research problem in the area of radiography that is relevant to the profession as radiographer
- under supervision be able to describe research design and method in relation to a chosen problem
- under supervision be able to search, review critically, compare, analyse and summarise scientific literature within radiography in writing
- under supervision, from analysis and interpretation in written form compile data in relation to problem and with a scientific language that is used in the area of radiography
- demonstrate the ability to understand current research-ethical rules and follow good research practice
- demonstrate the ability to identify the need of additional knowledge and to develop ones skills.
At the beginning of the course, the students choose topics within the main field of radiography. These topics can for example be:
- Method development of different radiographic examination methods and interventions
- Optimisation and radiation protection aspects at radiographic examinations and treatments
- Aspects of patient experiences and patient information
- Studies of changes within the radiography
Based on the different parts of the research process and the guidelines for thesis work the student will describe a problem area in radiography as well as an object of the chosen problem. The object will then be answered through established scientific data collection and analytical methods and compiled in an academic paper.
Teaching methods
The supervision is carried out in group seminars with of the department appointed supervisor. The group seminars contain occasion to discussion about progress, setbacks, follow up of the writing process etc. In addition to these group seminars be given also possibility to individual supervision.
Achieved learning objectives are examined through presentation of the essay on an essay seminar, where the essay is evaluated by an examiner. The following grades can be given: Written essay can receive the grades failed, Passed or passed with distinction
When final version is submitted to examiner, grades on the essay are informed.
Course grade For the grade Pass on the course, passed is required on all parts according to grading criteria. To pass with distinction is required passed with distinction on the essay parts according to grading criteria.
Transitional provisions
The student has the opportunity to be examined been taken according to earlier course syllabus within a year after the date after decision that the course is placed down or goes through larger changes
Other directives
Evaluation of the course will be carried out according to the guidelines that are established by the Board of Education at Karolinska Institutet.