Course syllabus for Medical and Odontological Subjects 1
Medicinska och odontologiska ämnen 1
Essential data
Course code: 9TY002
Course name: Medical and Odontological Subjects 1
Credits: 10
Form of Education: Contract education (credits)
Main field of study: Not applicable
Level: GX - First cycle
Grading scale: Fail (U), pass (G) or pass with distinction (VG)
Department: Department of Dental Medicine
Decided by: Education committee DENTMED
Decision date: 2019-03-14
Revised by: Education committee DENTMED
Last revised: 2024-03-21
Course syllabus valid from: Autumn semester 2024
Specific entry requirements
Mathematics 2a or 2b or 2c, Natural Sciences 2, Social Sciences 1b or 1a1+1a2.
Dental Anatomy/Occlusal Development, 3.0 credits
Grading scale: VU
Functional Anatomy, 3.0 credits
Grading scale: VU
Oral Histology and Cell Biology, 1.5 credits
Grading scale: GU
Microbiology, 2.5 credits
Grading scale: VU
Literature and other teaching aids
- Nanci, Antonio, Ten cate's oral histology: development, structure, and function, 9 th edition : Elsevier - Health Sciences Div, 2017 - 344 sidor ISBN: 9780323485241, LIBRIS-ID: 21894221, *
- Erlanson-Albertsson, Charlotte; Gullberg, Urban, Cellbiologi, 2., [rev. och uppdaterade] uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteratur, 2007 - 350 s. ISBN: 978-91-44-04738-6, LIBRIS-ID: 10532220, *
- Människokroppen: fysiologi och anatomi, Sand, Olav; Sjaastad, Øystein V.; Haug, Egil; Bjålie, Jan G.; Toverud, Kari C., Bolinder-Palmér, Inger; Olsson, Kristina, Tredje upplagan : Stockholm : Liber, [2021] - 668 sidor ISBN: 9789147142873, LIBRIS-ID: 1f7cddfpz3598w7k, *
- Melhus, Åsa, Klinisk mikrobiologi för sjuksköterskor, Tredje upplagan : Lund : Studentlitteratur, [2019] - 495 sidor ISBN: 9789144116266, LIBRIS-ID: kwjljpt5hdx24wvp, *
- Chiego, Daniel J., Essentials of oral histology and embryology: a clinical approach, Fifth edition : St. Louis, Missouri : Elsevier, [2019] - ix, 219 pages ISBN: 9780323497251, LIBRIS-ID: jwtbw9g7gwfh04d1,
- Essential Cell Biology, Alberts, Bruce; Heald, Rebecca; Hopkin, Karen; Johnson, Alexander D.; Morgan, David; Roberts, Keith; Walter, Peter, Sixth edition, International student edition. : New York, NY : W.W. Norton & Company, [2023] - xxxiv, 761, 56, 18, 32 sidor ISBN: 9781324033394, LIBRIS-ID: m4wpg999kzzb2gml,
- Anatomy for dental medicine: latin nomenclature, Baker, Eric W., Schünke, Michael; Schulte, Erik; Schumacher, Udo, 2016 - xvii, 539 p. ISBN: 9781626232389, LIBRIS-ID: 19364734,