Course syllabus for Oral Health - Clinic 6

Oral hälsa - klinik 6

Essential data

Course code: 9TY025
Course name: Oral Health - Clinic 6
Credits: 6
Form of Education: Contract education (credits)
Main field of study: Oral Health
Level: G2 - First cycle 2
Grading scale: Fail (U), pass (G) or pass with distinction (VG)
Department: Department of Dental Medicine
Decided by: Education committee DENTMED
Decision date: 2023-10-24
Revised by: Education committee DENTMED
Last revised: 2024-10-10
Course syllabus valid from: Spring semester 2025


Adult Dentistry - Prevention and Treatment, 1.5 credits

Grading scale: VU

Pediatric Dentistry 3, 4.5 credits

Grading scale: GU

Literature and other teaching aids

  • Lindhe's clinical periodontology and implant dentistry, Berglundh, Tord; Giannobile, William V.; Lang, Niklaus Peter; Sanz, Mariano, Seventh edition : Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., [2022] - 2 volumes (1314 pages) ISBN: 9781119438885, LIBRIS-ID: l07b9r40jrhsbb7d, *
  • Implantat: att förebygga, diagnostisera och hantera komplikationer, Schittek Janda, Martin; Mattheos, Nikos; Larsson, Christel; Ekenbäck, Jan, Andra upplagan : Stockholm : Gothia fortbildning, [2020] - 189 sidor ISBN: 9789177411543, LIBRIS-ID: gsg46v9vd1x0jk63, *
  • Mejàre, Ingegerd; Modéer, Thomas; Twetman, Svante, Pedodonti, Fjärde upplagan : Stockholm : Gothia Fortbildning, [2019] - 143 sidor ISBN: 9789177411956, LIBRIS-ID: s3c2lgrqqnkv0bld, *
  • Patientundervisning: ett samspel för lärande, Klang Söderkvist, Birgitta; Kneck, Åsa, Fjärde upplagan : Lund : Studentlitteratur, [2018] - 271 sidor ISBN: 9789144120515, LIBRIS-ID: 22684770, *
  • Nationella riktlinjer för tandvård: Stöd för styrning och ledning, Socialstyrelsen, 2022, *