Course syllabus for Psychology
Essential data
Specific entry requirements
For admission to the course, it is required that the student is admitted to the Study Programme in Nursing with general entry requirements for higher education in accordance with the Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 7 (Swedish Statute Book 1998:1003). Furthermore, at least 15 credits from semester 1.
The aim of the course is to increase the knowledge of psychology by: - give an overview of the central subject areas and perspectives of psychology through illustrating examples from previous and present-day research - give examples of practical application of psychological knowledge - bring up ethical issues with respect to psychological research - provide an opportunity to reflect on the theme of sorrow and crisis, in order to, in this way, to prepare themselves, in their future profession, to meet other people who experience sorrow and crisis, and to give an insight into a scientific approach by: - give examples of psychological research methods - provide an opportunity to critically analyse and evaluate psychological theories and observations The aim is that the student should acquire knowledge in psychology, and a scientific view, as a support in his/her profession as a nurse: - know the bases of the individual's cognitive, social and emotional development over the life cycle related to inheritance and environment - know how the individual in different developmental stages observes, organises and interprets information via his senses - be familiar with basic principles for learning - know how the memory functions regarding encoding, storing and retrieval of information - be familiar with different models with respect to differences in individuals' personality and behaviour - know how individuals experience, express and communicate emotions - know how to handle sorrow and crisis - be familiar with the connections between emotion, stress and health - be familiar with the concept of motivation - be familiar with how individuals are influenced by and interact with one another in groups
The course introduces psychology as a scientific subject and gives an overview of its current main areas, research methods and application in society. The course presents the following areas: perception, learning, emotion, motivation, cognition, developmental psychology, personality - and social psychology. The course also high-lights the theme of sorrow and crisis, and there is also an opportunity to reflect around this theme.
Teaching methods
The working methods aim partly to integrate the field of education (nursing, medical science, social and behavioural science), partly to integrate theoretical knowledge in a clinic, and clinical knowledge in theory. Furthermore, the working methods aim to train a scientific approach through active knowledge acquisition, problem-solving, critical reflection and analysis. In this course, the following working methods are used : lectures, group discussions, seminars, literature studies and audio videotaped elements. Interactive individual studies and teaching via internet can occur. The course comprises compulsory teaching. In the study guide and timetable, compulsory parts are stated. In case of absence from compulsory parts, turn to the course coordinator for further instructions.
Assessment of the students' achievements and knowledge acquisition takes place continuously during the course. This course is examined through an individual written examination, oral and written presentation of group assignments and participation in a seminar. Limited number of examinations or practical training sessions A student without an approved result after three examinations can be offered to take the course once more. However, there are at most six examination opportunities for each course. Examination times are announced at the beginning of the course.
Literature and other teaching aids
- Myers, David G., Psychology, 8. ed. : New York : Worth Publishers, 2006, cop. 2007 - 772, [135] s. ISBN: 0-7167-6428-8, LIBRIS-ID: 10158417,
- Sorjonen, K, Att se vattnet man simmar i, Kompendium i socialpsykologi, Sektionen för psykologi, 2005