Course syllabus for Health promotion - clinical education, contract education
Hälsofrämjande arbete - klinisk utbildning, uppdragsutbildning
Essential data
Specific entry requirements
For admission to the course, it is required that the student is admitted to the Study Programme in Nursing with general and specific entry requirements for higher education in accordance with the Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 7 (Swedish Statute Book 1998:1003). Furthermore, 30 credits from each of the semesters one, two, three and the four, and at least 15 credits from semester five.
The aim of the course is that the student should acquire knowledge of public health and its methods, and health promotion work in health care from both an individual and a gender, cultural, socio-economic and psychosocial perspective. The aim of part 1 is that the student should acquire knowledge in public health as a support in his/her profession as a nurse - be able to account for the difference between the health and public health concepts - be able to account for the different professional roles in primary health care and public health and in that context touch upon basic ethical issues - be familiar with the fundamental features in the global health development, over time - be familiar with the fundamental features in a public health perspective and choice of method The aim of part 2 is that the student should acquire knowledge in health promotion work as a support in his/her profession as a nurse - be able to understand basic concepts and theories within health promotion work - be able to identify life style and risk factors - be familiar with strategies for stress prevention from an individual perspective as well as from the perspective of the group and of society - have knowledge of policy work as a strategy for health promotion work within different arenas such as schools and workplaces - be able to understand the importance of health promotion interventions aiming at strengthening the individual self-care capacity In part 3, the student should acquire knowledge in health promotion work, as a support in the profession as a nurse - understand the organisation of primary health care, and the importance of coordination between different preventive programmes - be able to participate in identifying life style and risk factors - be able to participate in intervention programmes such as stress prevention, dietary services and smoking cessation - be able to observe people's living conditions on the basis of a gender, cultural, socio-economic and psychosocial perspective - be able to formulate and evaluate documentation and assessment instruments - be able to apply laws, ordinances and safety directions within primary health care
The course is divided in three parts: Part 1: Public health sciences, 1.5 HE credit. During the course, an introduction is given to concepts, theories and methods in public health, and to different policy programmes in public health care. Parts 2: Health promotion, 1.5 HE credit. On the basis of a public health perspective, strategies for health promotion in primary health care are studied, with a focus on life style patterns and risk factors, from an individual perspective as well as from the perspective of the family and of society. Parts 3: Clinical education - health promotion, 4.5 HE credits. The clinical education consists of a coherent period in primary health care, where the student under supervision practices observations, assessment and to take intervention measures based on the individual self-care capacity.
Teaching methods
The working methods aim partly to integrate the field of education (nursing, medical science, social and behavioural science), partly to integrate theoretical knowledge in a clinic, and clinical knowledge in theory. Furthermore, the working methods aim to train a scientific approach through active knowledge acquisition, problem-solving, critical reflection and analysis. In this course, the following working methods are used : cohort group work, lectures, seminars, literature studies, discussion forums, proficiency training and clinical education. In clinical education, supervision and reflection are included, individually and in groups. The course comprises compulsory teaching. Group exercise and placement are always compulsory, otherwise, turn to the study guide and timetable in which compulsory parts are indicated. In case of absence from compulsory parts, see to instructions in the study guide.
Assessment of the students' achievements and knowledge acquisition takes place continuously during the course. Part 1: Public health is examined through oral examination Part 2: Health promotion is examined through a written report Part 3 Clinical education - health promotion is examined through assessment of clinical education in health care centres. Limited number of examinations or practical training sessions A student without an approved result after three examinations can be offered to take the course once more. However, there are at most six examination opportunities for each course. Examination times are announced at the beginning of the course. During the clinical education, a continuous assessment of the students' achievements is conducted. Half-time and final assessment should be conducted. Professional supervisors provide a basis for assessment according to the evaluation forms. For students at the risk of failure, a written plan should be set up, at the latest at the mid-way assessment, by the course coordinator together with a professional supervisor. The student should have satisfied the requirements of the component parts in order to get a Pass grade in the entire course. Grades are assigned by examiner. Failed clinical education may be done once more.
Other directives
The course may be coordinated with the course: Women and child health - clinical education, 7.5 HE credits