Course syllabus for Psychiatry - clinical education, contract education

Psykiatri - klinisk utbildning, uppdragsutbildning

Essential data

Course code: USK004
Course name: Psychiatry - clinical education, contract education
Credits: 7.5
Form of Education: Contract education (credits)
Main field of study: Not applicable
Level: G1 - First cycle 1
Grading scale: Fail (U) or pass (G)
Department: Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society
Decision date: 2007-06-02
Course syllabus valid from: Autumn semester 2007

Specific entry requirements

For admission to the course, it is required that the student is admitted to the Study Programme in Nursing with general entry requirements for higher education in accordance with the Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 7 (Swedish Statute Book 1998:1003). Furthermore, 30 credits from semesters one and two, respectively, and at least 15 credits from semester three, including 4.5 credits in the course Somatic nursing - clinical education, 7.5 credits. 1 Part 2 Clinical education - somatic nursing, 4.5 credits, and 4.5 credits should include the course Somatic medicine - clinical education, 7.5 credits, Part 2 Clinical education - somatic medicine, 4.5 credits.


The aim is that the student should acquire knowledge in psychiatry relevant to the professional practice as a nurse, and training to identify and assess the patient's needs of care, on the basis of an evidence-based psychiatric view, and training to plan, carry out, document and evaluate specific nursing actions. An additional aim is that the student should reflect on the caring process and analyse how the area of activity is governed and affected by laws and organisation. In part 1, the student should acquire knowledge in psychiatry as a support in the profession as a nurse, to be able to - understand the manifestations of psychiatric diseases and processes - understand the multifactorial aetiology of psychiatric diseases - understand mental illness in somatic disease - understand the importance of abuse and dependence in psychiatric conditions - understand destructive and self-destructive behaviours - understand the importance of psychological treatment within psychiatric care - be familiar with psychotropic drugs, and anticipate effects and side effects - identify health risks in different environments In part 2, the student should acquire knowledge in clinical psychiatry, as a support in the profession as a nurse, to be able to - observe and assess psychiatric conditions and treatment outcomes - understand, participate in, carry out and evaluate psychiatric care - use observation and assessment instruments relevant within psychiatric care - take part of computer-based medical documentation, medical assessment instruments and evidence-based psychiatry - administrate and handle psychotropic drugs - apply laws, ordinances and safety directions within psychiatric care - assess, carry out and evaluate the mentally ill patient's care needs


The course is divided in two parts: Part 1. Psychiatry, 3 HE credits. In the course, aetiology, pathology, treatment and rehabilitation of common psychiatric diseases are studied, such as - depression and bipolar affective conditions - anxiety conditions - suicidal and self-injurious behaviour - psychosomatic conditions - eating disorders - psychotic conditions - personality disorder - abuse/dependence - neuropsychiatric conditions Part 2. Clinical education - psychiatric care 4.5 HE credits. The clinical education consists of a coherent period in psychiatric care and rehabilitation, where the student practices, under supervision, to assess and evaluate the patient's needs of care and participates in commonly occurring examinations and treatments related to psychiatric diseases.

Teaching methods

The working methods aim partly to integrate the field of education (nursing, medical science, social and behavioural science), partly to integrate theoretical knowledge in a clinic, and clinical knowledge in theory. Furthermore, the working methods aim to train a scientific approach through active knowledge acquisition, problem-solving, critical reflection and analysis. In this course, the following working methods are used : lectures, seminars, laboratory sessions, literature studies, proficiency training and placement. In the placement, reflection, individually and in groups, is included. The clinical education consists of a coherent period in psychiatric care and rehabilitation, where the student practices, under supervision, to assess and evaluate the patient's needs of care and participates in commonly occurring examinations and treatments related to psychiatric diseases. The course comprises compulsory teaching. Clinical education is always compulsory, for the rest see the timetable where compulsory parts are stated. In case of absence from compulsory parts, see to instructions in the study guide.


Assessment of the students' achievements and knowledge acquisition takes place continuously during the course. Part 1 Psychiatry is examined through individual written examination Part 2 Clinical education - psychiatric care is examined through an individual practical examination During the clinical education, a continuous assessment of the students' achievements is conducted. Half-time and final assessment should be conducted. Professional supervisors provide a basis for assessment according to the evaluation forms. For students at the risk of failure, a written plan should be set up, at the latest at the mid-way assessment, by the course coordinator together with a professional supervisor. The student should have satisfied the requirements of the component parts in order to get a Pass grade in the entire course. Grades are assigned by examiner. Limited number of examinations or practical training sessions A student without an approved result after three examinations can be offered to take the course once more. However, there are at most six examination opportunities for each course. Examination times are announced at the beginning of the course. Failed clinical education may be done once more.

Other directives

The course is coordinated with the course: Psychiatric nursing - clinical education 7.5 HE credits