Course syllabus for Emergency and disaster medicine - clinical education, contract education
Akut- och katastrofmedicin - klinisk utbildning, uppdragsutbildning
Essential data
Specific entry requirements
For admission to the course, it is required that the student is admitted to the Study Programme in Nursing with general and specific entry requirements for higher education in accordance with the Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 7 (Swedish Statute Book 1998:1003). Furthermore, 30 credits from semesters one, two and three, respectively, and at least 15 credits from semester four.
The aim of the course is that the student should acquire knowledge relevant to the professional practice as a nurse in emergency medicine and disaster medicine, in times of peace and during war. Further, the aim is that the student, from an evidence-based point of view, should practice to identify and assess the patient's needs of care, and to take adequate measures in acute medical conditions. An additional aim is that the student should get an understanding of the caring process and how laws, regulations and organisation affect the area of activity. In part 1, the student should acquire knowledge in emergency medicine as a support in the profession as nurse, to be able to - understand general principles in the emergency care - treatment at urgent conditions - understand evidence-based measures in case of failing vital functions. - carry out pre- and postoperative care - understand intraoperative care - considering an aseptic procedure, participate in commonly occurring examinations and treatments - search and evaluate information for continuous maintenance of scientifically based knowledge in acute treatment In part 2, the student should acquire knowledge of disaster medicine, as a support in the profession as a nurse, to be able to - have a medical and nursing-oriented readiness in connection with disasters in times of peace and during war. - principles of disaster organisation in care and in the Swedish society - have an insight in public international law, and understand international law conventions in the practical application of the Helsinki Declaration, the Child Convention etc. - understand mental reactions in connection with disasters from a multicultural perspective In part 3, the student should acquire knowledge in clinical emergency care as a support in the profession as a nurse to be able to - understand, participate at, carry out and evaluate emergency care - carry out health care technical parts such as management of central vein catheter and injection ports and clearing of airways by sucking out secretion - master cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) with simple aids - apply knowledge in drug dosage calculation and drug management in emergency situations - use observation and assessment instruments relevant in emergency care - take part of computer-based medical documentation, medical assessment instruments and evidence-based emergency medicine - apply laws, ordinances and safety directions within emergency care The learning outcome of part four is that the student should acquire knowledge in Drug dosage and Drug handling
The course is divided in four parts: Part 1: Emergency medicine, 1.5 HE credit. In the course, general principles in emergency care are studied such as anaesthetics, surgery health care, intensive care and ambulance care of children and adults. Part 2: Disaster medicine, 1.5 HE credit. Disaster medical principles and how the society is organised in connection with disasters, are treated. Part 3: Clinical education - emergency care, 3.8 HE credits. The placement consists of a coherent period in emergency care in which the student practices observations under supervision, assessment, and, in the course, general principles within emergency care such as anaesthetics, surgery health care, intensive care, and ambulance care of children and adults are studied. Disaster medical principles and how society is organised in connection with disasters, are treated. Part 4: Drug dosing, 0.7 HE credits. Drug dosing includes advanced calculations of dilutions, calculation of infusion rate based on information on mg/kg, body weight/time unit, and calculation of the amount of active substance/m2 body surface, based on nomograms in FASS.
Teaching methods
The working methods aim partly to integrate the field of education (nursing, medical science, social and behavioural science), partly to integrate theoretical knowledge in a clinic, and clinical knowledge in theory. Furthermore, the working methods aim to train a scientific approach through active knowledge acquisition, problem-solving, critical reflection and analysis. In this course, the following working methods are used : lectures, seminars, laboratory sessions, literature studies, proficiency training and placement. The clinical education consists of a coherent period in emergency care. In the placement, reflection, individually and in groups, is included.
Assessment of the students' achievements and knowledge acquisition takes place continuously during the course. This course is examined according to the following: Part 1 Emergency Medicine, 1.5 HE credits: Individual written examination and oral examination in groups Part 2 Disaster medicine, 1.5 HE credits: Compulsory attendance Part 3 Clinical education - emergency care, 3.75 HE credits: Individual practical examination Part 4 Drug dosing, 0.75 HE credits: Individual written examination During the placement, a continuous assessment of the students' achievements takes place. Evaluation dialogues should be conducted, and a certificate issued. The student should have satisfied the requirements of the component parts in order to get a Pass grade in the entire course. Grades are assigned by examiner. Limitation of the number of examination or placement sessions A student without an approved result after three examinations can be offered to take the course once more. However, there are at most six examination opportunities for each course. Examination times are announced at the beginning of the course. There are two placement opportunities.