Degreee Project in Oral Health, 15 credits
Examensarbete i oral hälsa, 15 hp- Course code
- 1OH006
- Course name
- Degreee Project in Oral Health
- Credits
- 15 credits
- Form of Education
- Higher Education, study regulation 2007
- Main field of study
- Oral Health
- Level
- G2 - First cycle 2
- Grading scale
- Pass with distinction, Pass, Fail
- Department
- Department of Dental Medicine
- Decided by
- Utbildningsnämnden DENTMED
- Decision date
- 2020-10-20
- Revised by
- Education committee DENTMED
- Last revision
- 2022-02-10
- Course syllabus valid from
- Spring 2021
Specific entry requirements
University Diploma in Dental Hygiene equivalent to 120 credits. For admission to the course, at least 20 credits from semester 1 must be completed.
The objective of the course is for the student to gain deeper knowledge in the area of oral health. The student should independently be able to identify a problem and based on that, plan and carry out a degree project. Through this project, the student will develop a scientific and critical approach.
After completing the course, the student will be able to:
Knowledge and understanding
- Account for relevant theories and methods in the field of oral health as well as assess and evaluate and the implications of these theories.
- Independently search for adequate research and motivate the importance of continued knowledge in the field.
- Show an understanding of the research process and its principles, in relation to the given time frame and guidelines, as well as describe the most important research areas in the field.
- Account for research within the chosen area and how it can affect oral health, general health and wellbeing and how general health can affect one's oral health.
Skills and abilities
- Together with a supervisor establish a schedule for the project, and independently be responsible for following the schedule.
- Independently identify a problem and apply relevant theory and method to their own project as well as justify choices.
- Independently analyse, relate and discuss the results of the project in relation to existing research.
- Verbally argue, discuss and defend the contents and results of the project content.
- Independently review and provide verbal constructive feedback on others' work.
Values and approach
- Show an understanding of and follow ethic guidelines, maintain a good research code, as well as evaluate ethical standpoints.
- Search and critically evaluate literature and research in oral health.
- Reflect on their own knowledge and identify fields where a deepening of knowledge is required.
- Evaluate and discuss the results from a social perspective, and how it can affect the individual.
The content of the course comprises planning, completion and presentation of a degree project. The student demonstrates their independence by writing, presenting and defending their own project and by critically examining and opposing others' projects. During the course, the student is trained to use a scientific approach to make clear choices and considerations to present and comment on their own and others' projects in a careful and critical manner. The course includes scheduled meetings with the supervisor and final examination seminars.
Teaching methods
The project is carried out mostly in pairs with the support of a supervisor. Only under special circumstances can the project be written individually or in groups of three students. Supervision is carried out individually or in groups of 4-6 students. The follow up of the different parts of the project is done during supervised scheduled seminars. Peer review of each other's work is carried out on three occasions (verbal and written feedback is given) for assessment of: I) introduction, objective, ethical considerations, II) methods and III) results. Students should follow the document "Guidelines for the assessment of exam degree", which is the Karolinska Institutet's template for projects, and the assessment template for the course. Students must write a logbook while working on the project. The examination seminars include an opponent and respondent.
The course is assessed as follows:
- Documented project according to established guidelines, which orally is defended during a examination seminar.
- Verbal opposition and written comments on another project.
Compulsory course elements to pass the course are:
- Participation in all scheduled supervisor meetings.
- Participation in the peer review.
- Participation in examination seminars.
- Individually written self-evaluation and reflection on one's own performance and development.
Late submission of the project means that the student cannot get the grade Pass with Distinction.
Failed projects will be reviewed and reassessed. An opportunity for examination of the project with opposition will be given at another time during the course. The student is entitled to examination on six different occasions.
Transitional provisions
The course will be offered for the last time in the spring semester of 2023 and will then be cancelled. Examination will be provided until the spring of 2024 for students who have not completed the course.
Literature and other teaching aids
Mandatory literature
2. uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteratur, 2015 - 176 s. ISBN:9789144088495 LIBRIS-ID:18062643 Library search
1. utg. : Stockholm : Natur & Kultur, 2014 - 191 s. ISBN:9789127131200 (inb.) LIBRIS-ID:14226325 Library search
3. uppl. : Stockholm : Liber, 2011 - 328 s. ISBN:91-47-10051-6 LIBRIS-ID:12233128 Library search
2., [uppdaterade] uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteratur, 2013 - 66 s. ISBN:9789144095066 LIBRIS-ID:14673582 Library search
Recommended literature
2., [utök. och kompletterade] uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteratur, 2004 - 307, [1] s. ISBN:91-44-03306-0 LIBRIS-ID:9278166 Library search
Tredje upplagan : Lund : Studentlitteratur, [2019] - 279 sidor ISBN:9789144122694 LIBRIS-ID:8jv80nr76h70c6m3 Library search
4. rev. utg. : Stockholm : Natur & kultur, 2016 - 216 s. ISBN:9789127146549 LIBRIS-ID:18897539 Library search
Tredje upplagan : Lund : Studentlitteratur, [2017] - 262 sidor ISBN:978-91-44-11863-5 LIBRIS-ID:21385235 Library search
Uppsala : Centrum för forsknings- & bioetik, 20??- LIBRIS-ID:17607343 URL: Fritt tillgänglig via databasens webbplats