Course syllabus for

Degree Project in Optometry, 15 credits

Examensarbete i optometri, 15 hp
This course syllabus is valid from autumn 2018.
Please note that the course syllabus is available in the following versions:
Course code
Course name
Degree Project in Optometry
15 credits
Form of Education
Higher Education, study regulation 2007
Main field of study 
G2 - First cycle 2 
Grading scale
Pass with distinction, Pass, Fail
Department of Clinical Neuroscience
Decided by
Programnämnd 8
Decision date
Revised by
Education committee CNS
Last revision
Course syllabus valid from
Autumn 2018

Specific entry requirements

Passed results of at least 55 higher education credits from the Optometry program semester 1 and 2 and at least 45 higher education credits from semester 3 and 4.


After the course, the student should be able to:

- formulate a relevant research question within chosen field
- analyse relevant literature
- design a study on criteria for selections, choices of methods and choices of statistics
- describe and evaluate ethical issues related to the research project,
- describe and evaluate the results in relation to used method, the generalizability of the results, the strengths of the study and weaknesses and be able to draw conclusions based on results and values of results,
- write a final report with logical structure and that have a clear and grammatically correct language,
- present a project orally and
- act student reviewer by giving relevant criticism (positive and negative) and through questions show
an understanding of the work he/she objects on.

The students should also, in respect to an optometric, health care and research perspective perspectives, be able to

- very high ability to search and evaluate knowledge on scientific level,
- large ability to follow the knowledge development
- very good knowledge of current research and development,
- very high ability to review critically, assess and use relevant information and to discuss new facts, phenomena and issues with different groups and thereby contribute to development of the profession and the activities,
- large ability to identify his needs of additional knowledge and that continuous develop his skills
- very good ability to search, collect, evaluate and interpret information in a problem critically and to discuss phenomena, issues and situations critically
- large ability to identify independently, formulate and solve problems and to carry out assignments within given periods
- large ability to orally and account in writing too and discuss information, problem and solutions in dialogue with different groups.

The aims above should be seen in relation to the document " Vetenskaplig strimma Optikerprogrammet".


The degree project can be carried out independently or in groups of 2.

The course/the work is like a research project that should result in a written report and contain:

- problem formulation
- background description
- design, selection and method
- ethical considerations
- discussion
- general design and linguistic availability
- Oral presentation
- Critical reviewing

In addition to this the course is part of the scientific training within the program. As part of the scientific training, the students should in relation to optometry - continue to broaden its scientific knowledge and understanding of the scientific basis of the profession,
The student will also develop his knowledge and understanding, his skills and abilities his judgement and scientific thoughts and attitudes in relation to optometry and a lifelong learning. The general scientific knowledge to be gained is described in a separate document.

Teaching methods

The degree project can be carried out independently or in groups of 2. The students should alone decide, if they want to work independently or in groups. If one works in groups, it should clearly appear who has done the different parts

The student/the students choose the subject for the degree project but the work should be related to optometry. The student/the students should contact a supervisor who accepts this assignment. Examiner for the work is appointed by the management for the Optometry programme. Examiner and supervisor will not be the same person.

As supports for the work, teaching sessions are given for e.g. library information, how one should write and follow the instructions for the written report.


The examination comprises: Written presentation, oral defences of the work, presentation, public discussion and possibly poster presentation. The assessment is made from they of Karolinska Institutet central established criteria for degree project.

All course is graded according to the scale Failed/Passed/pass with credit.

Student who do not pass the regular examination are entitled to re-sit the examination at five more occasions. If the student has carried out six failed examinations/tests be given not any additional examination. As examination, the times are counted when the student has participated in the same test. Submission of blank exam is counted as examination. Examination to which the student registered but not participated be counted not as examination.

Transitional provisions

In the case the course being closed down or go through larger changes be given students who not have completed the course possibility to, during four semesters from the occasion then the student first was registered on the course is examined according to the course syllabus as then applied. After four semesters, the student is examined under the new syllabus.

Other directives

When one has decided to work independently or in a group, and have found a supervisor that accepts the assignment the student should apply to get the project plan approved. Only projects where the examiner is sure that enough reference literature is available
for the project to be conducted will be approved. All departments that carry out teaching within the optometry program has been offered to supervise degree project. The student/the students stand free to choose supervisors. The supervisor must hold a PhD, but one can have an assistant supervisor without a PhD degree.

Reviewers and examiners will be appointed by the programme director. Examiner should have equivalent docent - or professor competence. The examiner will assess the work according to established model based on KI's guidelines.

The student should object on another student's work and in writing hand in his thoughts about the work . Also the examiner will hand in his comments in writing. The student/the students will then be given time to complete his work.

The student/the students is responsible to keep contact with the supervisor.

The student/the students must provide the supervisor with the written report in due time before the final deadline. The supervisor must ensure that the written presentation holds satisfactory objective and formal quality. The student should be urged to revise the written version until satisfactory objective and formal quality is achieved. All the written presentations will be reviewed. If deficiency in objective and formal quality is demonstrated, the written presentation will be failed and returned for improvements. When the supervisor is satisfied with the work, it is passed on to the examiner that reviews the work in accordance with the aims of the course syllabus and the criteria sat by the Board of Higher Education.

Literature and other teaching aids