Course syllabus for

Radiography - clinical education 2, 7.5 credits

Radiografi - verksamhetsförlagd utbildning 2, 7.5 hp
This course syllabus is valid from spring 2018.
Please note that the course syllabus is available in the following versions:
Course code
Course name
Radiography - clinical education 2
7.5 credits
Form of Education
Higher Education, study regulation 2007
Main field of study 
G1 - First cycle 1 
Grading scale
Fail (U) or pass (G)
Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology
Decided by
Programnämnden för Röntgensjuksköterskeprogrammet
Decision date
Revised by
Education committee CLINTEC
Last revision
Course syllabus valid from
Spring 2018

Specific entry requirements

For admission to the course, a Pass grade in the course Radiography - clinical rotation 1, 6.5 HE credits, is required

Students who have failed in the clinical rotation or the equivalent as a consequence of demonstrating serious deficiencies in knowledge, skills or attitude, that the patient's safety or confidence in healthcare have been at risk is qualified for new placement only when the individual action plan has been completed.


On completion of the course, the student should be able to:
• Follow basic hygiene procedures
• On the basis of referral contents, set commonly occurring projections of radiographic examinations of thorax, abdomen and skeleton
• Motivate the use of wedges, screens and air gaps
• In a simple way, explain parameters affecting image quality and radiation dose
• Assess image quality on the basis of image criteria
• Inform patient and prepare he before commonly occurring computed tomography examinations
• Show concern for the patient's integrity and convenience during the radiological examination


The student, together with the supervisor, will practice basic radiographic methodology in skeleton, abdominal and thoracic radiology. In connection with examinations, the student practices to implant a peripheral venous catheter and give intravenous injections, and practices to identify risk patients and any contrast agents reactions. The abdominal diagnostics also implies that the student participates in examinations of the gastrointestinal canal performed with contrast agents.

For all areas within the course, the student will train to identify basic anatomy in the image and essential criteria for the correct performance of the examination. In the practical parts, the student will train a basic understanding of the parameters affecting image quality and radiation dose to the patient.

In connection with the examination, the student will also practice basic patient care by taking action for patient safety and convenience, and by showing concern for patient integrity.

Teaching methods

By tutor supervised practical skills training when the student trains to plan, prepare and perform radiographic examinations.
Teacher-supervised method exercises, study assignments and seminars. The student is expected to take responsibility for his/her own learning through active knowledge acquisition and participation in examinations.


In the final assessment, an overall assessment and a clinical examination are included. Assessments during the placement are carried out by means of evaluation forms about which the student is informed at the beginning of the course. The clinical examination is based on referral and method book, as the student performs examination of a patient. The student will orally account for the examination method with regard to technique, projections, terminology and anatomic structures in the imaging material.

The clinical rotation is compulsory and constitutes 32 hours per 1.5 credits. Compensation due to absence will be planned in consultation with appointed clinical teacher.

The student has the right to take the course at most two times.

The examiner may with immediate effect interrupt a student's clinical rotation (VFU), or the equivalent, if the student demonstrates such serious deficiencies in knowledge, skills or attitudes that patient safety or patient confidence in healthcare is at risk. When clinical rotation is interrupted according to this, it implies that the student fails in the current part, and that one clinical rotation opportunity is used up.

In such cases, an individual action plan should be set up for required activities and examinations, before the student is given a possibility for a new clinical rotation in the course.

Transitional provisions

The student may be examined according to a previous syllabus within a year after the date when a close-down or major changes of the course was decided.

Other directives

Course evaluation will be carried out in accordance with the guidelines established by the Board of Education at Karolinska Institutet.

Literature and other teaching aids

Ehrlich, Ruth Ann; McCloskey, Ellen Doble; Daly, Joan A. Patient care in radiography : with an introduction to medical imaging
Möller, Torsten B.0 77501 Pocket atlas of radiographic positioning Reif, Emil
Möller, Torsten B.0 77501; Reif, Emil Pocket atlas of radiographic anatomy
Feneis, Heinz; Dauber, Wolfgang Anatomisk bildordbok Spitzer, Gerhard; Brinkman, Ingrid
Lindskog, Bengt I. Medicinsk terminologi Andrén-Sandberg, Åke; Frank, Urban; Buckhöj, Poul
Möller, Torsten B.0 77501 Normal findings in radiography
Björkman, Eva; Karlsson, Karin Medicinsk teknik för sjuksköterskor : material, metod, ansvar
Författningshandbok för personal inom hälso- och sjukvården.n 2007 = 38. uppl. Raadu, Gunnel
Isaksson, Mats Grundläggande strålningsfysik Lund, Annika