Course syllabus for

Orthopaedic Radiology, 7.5 credits

Ortopedisk radiologi, 7.5 hp
This course syllabus is valid from spring 2012.
Please note that the course syllabus is available in the following versions:
Course code
Course name
Orthopaedic Radiology
7.5 credits
Form of Education
Higher Education, study regulation 2007
Main field of study 
G2 - First cycle 2 
Grading scale
Fail (U) or pass (G)
Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology
Decided by
Programnämnden för Röntgensjuksköterskeprogrammet
Decision date
Revised by
Programnämnd 6 (Biomedicinsk analytiker- och Röntgensjuksköterskeprogrammen)
Last revision
Course syllabus valid from
Spring 2012

Specific entry requirements

To be qualified to a higher semester, it is required that the student has taken at least 15 credits from last semester, and all credits from previous semesters.


• account for the musculoskeletal structure and physiology, account for the structure and physiology of the musculoskeletal skeleton • account for orthopaedic diseases that can be diagnosed with radiological methods • explain the usage of different modalities at pathological processes in the musculoskeletal system • identify anatomic structures on CT and MR images • identify pathological changes in the illustrative material in different modalities • describe treatment principles and complications in different orthopaedic diseases • describe current research issues within the orthopaedic radiology


In the course, the anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system is treated. This also includes paediatric orthopaedics. The course also treats different modalities in diagnostic radiology, such as conventional radiology, computer tomography, MRT, ultrasound and nuclear medicine. The student is trained to identify normal anatomic structures and pathological processes in image materials of different modalities. Here, current research fields within orthopaedic radiology are also discussed. The course comprises an overview of treatment principles andrehabilitation of orthopaedic diseases. This includes medical as well as surgical treatments, and the complications that may arise in connection with these. Some principles treatments are studied in practice.

Teaching methods

The teaching in the course include lectures, group seminars, field studies and case presentations.


The course is examined through an independent written examination. For a Pass grade in the course so that is required passed participation in seminar in a written and oral form. In consultation with the examiner of the course, the student may get a complementary assignment in case of absence from a compulsory part. The student is entitled to a total of six test occasions to get passed. In connection to the course three occasions will be given One within the course, one during the following re-examination. The third opportunity is provided before the beginning of the next semester, or in close connection to that. In some cases, it is required that the student submits an exemption application before he/she has the results of his/her latest completed examination. Three more opportunities are provided according to the same set-up when the course is given next time

Transitional provisions

The student may be examined under a previous syllabus within a year after the date when a close-down or major changes of the course was decided.

Other directives

Course evaluation will be carried out in accordance with the guidelines established by the Board of Education at Karolinska Institutet.

Literature and other teaching aids

Möller, Torsten B.; Reif, Emil Pocket atlas of sectional anatomy : computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. n Vol. 3, p Spine, extremities, joints
Reiser, Maximilian; Baur-Melnyk, Andrea; Glaser, Christian Musculoskeletal Imaging
Radiologi Aspelin, Peter; Pettersson, Holger
Lindgren, Urban; Svensson, Olle Ortopedi Alfredson, Håkan; Johansson, Fredrik