Course syllabus for

Specific Nursing 3, 3 credits

Specifik omvårdnad 3, 3 hp
This course syllabus is valid from autumn 2017.
Please note that the course syllabus is available in the following versions:
Autumn2017 , Autumn2024
Course code
Course name
Specific Nursing 3
3 credits
Form of Education
Higher Education, study regulation 2007
Main field of study 
G2 - First cycle 2 
Grading scale
Pass, Fail
Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology
Decided by
Education committee CLINTEC
Decision date
Course syllabus valid from
Autumn 2017

Specific entry requirements

To be qualified to a higher semester, it is required that the student has taken at least 15 credits from last semester, and all higher education credits from previous semesters.


On completion of the course, the student should be able to:

  • reflect on their own approaches, values ​​and attitudes
  • describe theoretical background and methods for change management
  • apply some of the improvement guides in the radiological activities, with the patient in focus


The overall aim is to provide students with tools for development in the profession specific area based on a scientific basis, and with the patient in mind. Developments relates to healthcare and personal development through awareness, attitudes and values with patient situations as a basis.

The course is based on the ethics. We use different methods for reflection the studentes own approaches, values and attitudes and relate these to the conventions related to human rights. The student is made aware of thoughts and feelings that might arise in the interaction with patients and how these can be managed. Furthermore improvement work in health care is studied. Students are trained to apply models for improvement. Improvement work are linked to the knowledge and experience gained in the course but also by previous studies in the program, for example, in the clinical education.

Teaching methods

The course is carried out in the form of lectures, seminars and study assignment.


The course is examined through oral presentation of study assignment. There are compulsory parts in the course.

In consultation with the examiner of the course, the student may get a complementary assignment in case of absence from a compulsory part.

The student has the right to a total of six test to pass.

In connection to the course three occasions will be given One within the course, two during the following re-examinations. In certain cases, it is required that the student submits an exemption application before he/she get the results of his/her latest completed examination. Three more opportunities will be provided as described above when the course is run next time.

If the course is examined by a extern exam, or other assignments with deadlines, a latest submission date is given at the introduction of the course. In cases where a completion is required a new date for latest submission is set. If the requirements for submission are not fulfilled the student is given the opportunity to submit the exam or the assignment at the next time course is given. Reasons for not meeting deadlines may be taken under consideration by examiner. 

Transitional provisions

The student has the opportunity to be examined under a previous course syllabus within a year after the date of the course was decided closed-down or undergoes major changes.

Other directives

Course evaluation will be carried out in accordance with the guidelines established by the Board of Education at Karolinska Institutet.

Literature and other teaching aids

Edström, Anders; Svensson, Carina; Olsson, Jesper Att mäta för att veta : praktiska råd och tips om mätning och uppföljning i samband med utvecklings- och förbättringsarbete i hälso- och sjukvården
Grundläggande omvårdnad. Kristoffersen, Nina Jahren; Nortvedt, Finn; Skaug, Eli-Anne