Course syllabus for

Emergency and Disaster Medicine, 6 credits

Akutsjukvård och katastrofmedicin, 6 hp
This course syllabus is valid from autumn 2013.
Please note that the course syllabus is available in the following versions:
Course code
Course name
Emergency and Disaster Medicine
6 credits
Form of Education
Higher Education, study regulation 2007
Main field of study 
Not applicable 
GX - First cycle 
Grading scale
Fail (U), pass (G) or pass with distinction (VG)
Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology
Decided by
Programnämnd 6 (Biomedicinska analytikerprogrammet och Röntgensjuksköterskeprogrammet)
Decision date
Course syllabus valid from
Autumn 2013
This course syllabus is not available in English.