Nursing Care in Illness and Disease, 30 credits
Vårdande vid ohälsa och sjukdom, 30 hp- Course code
- 1SJ022
- Course name
- Nursing Care in Illness and Disease
- Credits
- 30 credits
- Form of Education
- Higher Education, study regulation 2007
- Main field of study
- Nursing
- Level
- G1 - First cycle 1
- Grading scale
- Fail (U) or pass (G)
- Department
- Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society
- Participating institutions
- Department of Laboratory Medicine
- Decided by
- Utbildningsnämnden NVS
- Decision date
- 2018-03-27
- Revised by
- Education committee NVS
- Last revision
- 2021-10-14
- Course syllabus valid from
- Spring 2022
Specific entry requirements
Admission to semester 3:
All courses from semester 1
Semester 2:
Passed assessment from placement 9 credits in (1SJ004)
Student who has failed placement as a consequence of that the student has shown so serious deficiencies in knowledge, skills or attitudes that the patient security or the patients' trust for the healthcare have been jeopardised is qualified to new occasion for placement only when the individual action plan has been completed.
The general aim of the course is that the student should acquire knowledge of human need of care and nursing at illness and disease.
The student should be able to identify, assess, describe and analyse nursing need and be able to bring a clinical argument based on the patient's symptoms and signs on illness and disease.
Further, the student should be able to apply knowledge from pathophysiology, pharmacology and microbiology in commonly occurring ohälso and disease to based on the nursing process be able to plan, carry out and evaluate patient safe nursing.
The student should in a patient safe and evidence-based way be able to carry out health care technical components as well as give and administrate drugs and also have knowledge of evaluation of the effects of the drugs and side effects.
In the course, the knowledge of human need of nursing act at illness and disease, diagnostics, investigation as well as treatment and follow up is deepened. With the nursing process that frame is deepened knowledge of the patient's nursing needs at illness and disease as well as how these are identified, assessed, met, evaluated and documented in nursing records.
Health care technical component as well as calculation, preparation, administration of drugs and follow up of the effect are studied and trained. The placement consists of a coherent period in hospital based health care, where the student trains under supervision to identify and assess nursing needs, carry out and evaluate nursing actions. The student participates in commonly occurring studies and treatments related to commonly occurring illness and disease.
The course includes seven components.
Nursing and illness and disease, 3.5 hp
Contents part 1
- nursing process: diagnostics, aims and measures as well as evaluation of measures related to commonly occurring illness and disease
- medical records keeping and nursing informatics
- patient perspective, to live with long disease
- nursing of patients with long term disease in hospital based health care
- concepts such as;
- health, environment, nursing acts
- nursing in e g respiration/circulation, skin/tissue and elimination related to illness and disease
- the patient's learning
- communication ability and information based on the individual needs of patients and families
- current laws and regulations in hospital based health care
Clinically integrated learning: Clinical skills, 1.0 hp
Contents part 2
clinical skills: peripheral vein catheter and central entries
Clinically integrated learing: Clinical education, 9.0 hp
Contents part 3
- nursing process: nursing planning (diagnostics, aims and measures) as well as evaluation of planned measures at commonly occurring diseases and illness
- medical records keeping
- nursing such as circulation, respiration, sleep, skin/tissue, nutrition, elimination, pain, communication ability as well as activity related to illness and disease
- oral, written and electronic methods for information transfer
- evidence-based nursing and review of the written routine of the ward and guidelines
- professional attitude
- communication and treatment
- leadership, coordination and supervision
- interprofessional cooperation
- information and teaching based on the individual needs of the patient and the family
- clinical skills commonly occurring on ward and nursing in connection with illness and disease
- current laws and regulations
- ethical concepts
- pharmacological nursing and drug processing
Drug doses, 1.0 hp
Contents component 4:
- units and unit changes
- calculation of dose, active substance and strength
- calculation of dilution, infusion rate and infusion time
- calculation of medical gas, extraction and consumption
Pathophysiology, 10.0 hp
Contents part 5
- basic pathology (cell lesion, inflammation, healing, tumour theory)
- circulatory diseases
- respiratory diseases
- the mag and intestinal canal diseases
- kidney diseases and urogenital diseases
- the diseases of the locomotive organs
- endocrine diseases
- neurological diseases
- rheumatologic diseases
- hematologic diseases
- fluid balance disorders
- clinically chemical analyses
- pain condition
- cancer
Clinical microbiology, 3.0 hp
Contents part 6
- the most common aetiological microorganisms;
- occurrence, disease transmission and how they cause disease
- the most common infectious diseases;
- symptoms, diagnosis and choice of antibiotics/antiviral means:
- neurological infections
- respiratory infections
- gastrointestinal infections
- urinary infections
- sexually transferable infections
- vaccinations, treatment with antibiotics, antibiotics resistance and preventive work
Pharmacology, 2.5 hp
Contents part 7
Drugs at:
- circulatory diseases
- respiratory diseases
- infectious diseases
- the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
- endocrine diseases
- rheumatologic diseases
- cancer
- pain condition
Teaching methods
Teaching is based on a problem-oriented and collaborative views on learning where the working methods give precondition because the student takes responsibility actively for their learning. The working methods that are used are lectures, seminars, group assignments, laboratory sessions, literature studies, student portfolio, proficiency training and placement (placement).
The distance learning is IT-based and is based on independent and collaborative learning. Different working methods such as individual study assignments, work in groups, virtual discussions and seminars and lectures are used. Teaching support are given via IT-based learning management system. The number of physical course meetings is limited to at most 2 days/7.5 credits during theoretical components. The placement about 6 weeks is located to wards in somatic hospitalisation. The placement includes about 40 hours/week (full-time studies) of which about 32 hours/week are compulsory scheduled located to a ward there supervision and reflection individually and/or in groups include. Day, evening, night and weekend occur as well as also red days where appropriate.
Student are not allowed to compress the clinical placement. The student follows the timetable of supervisor about not other be stated.
Course Coordinator assesses about and if so how absence from compulsory education occasions can be recovered. Before the student has participated in the compulsory education occasions or recovered absence in accordance with the instructions of Course Coordinator can not the learning outcomes be reported. Absence from a compulsory education occasion can imply that the student can not recover the occasion until next time the course is given.
Component 1 and 2 be assessed individually through written examination as well as individually examination of health care technical components. During the placement (component 3), continuous assessment of the student's achievements takes place.
Half-time - and final assessment is carried out. Professional supervisor and/or co-opted clinical lecturer give bases of assessment according to established evaluation form for clinical placement. At risk for failure should latest at the mid-way assessment responsible university lecturers in consultation with professional supervisor and student establish a written planning for the continued placement.
Part 4 is examined through an individual written examination.
Component 5 is assessed individually through written and oral examinations.
Part 6 is examined through an individual written examination.
Part 7 is examined through an individual written examination. Participation in seminars, group assignments, laboratory sessions, simulations (proficiency training) and placement is compulsory.
To pass the course, it is required that the intended learning outcomes are satisfied, which implies passed results in component 1-7 as well as active participation in compulsory parts. Grades are assigned by the examiner. Student who is not passed after regular examination has the right to participate at further five examination. Student who lacks passed results after three implemented examinations can however be offered to go parts or the whole course once more if places are available. This is subject to availability. If the student has failed six examinations/tests, no additional examination is given.
As examination, the times been counted the student participated in one and the same test. Submission of blank exam is counted as examination.
Examination to which the student registered but not participated be counted not as examination. An electronic examination that has been opened via the learning management system counts as an examination session even if the examination is not submitted. Late submissions of examinations are not accepted. Students who have not submitted on time are referred to re-examination.
Examiner can with immediate impact interrupt a student's placement (placement) or the equivalent if the student shows such serious deficiencies in knowledge, skills or attitudes that the patient security or the patients' trust for the healthcare are jeopardised. When placement is interrupted like this, it implies that the student fails on current component and that an occasion for placement is consumed. In such cases, an individual action plan should be established, where it appears which activities and examinations that are required before the student is given possibility to a new occasion for placement on this course.
Student who has failed placement (placement)/equivalent as a consequence of that the student has shown so serious deficiencies in knowledge, skills or attitudes that the patient safety or the patient's trust for the healthcare have been jeopardised is authorized to a new occasion for placement only when the individual action plan has been completed. Failed placement may only be carried out once more.
Transitional provisions
For a course that has been closed down or undergone major changes, or where the reading list has been changed considerably, three additional tests (excluding regular tests) in the previous literature and contents should be given during a period of a year from the date of the change.
Other directives
Course evaluation takes place according to the guidelines that are established by the Committee for Higher Education.
Literature and other teaching aids
Inera AB, URL: Länk
3.,[utök.] uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteratur, 2011 - 245 s. ISBN:978-91-44-04008-0 LIBRIS-ID:12294621 Library search
Upplaga 1 : Lund : Studentlitteratur, 2017 - 359 sidor ISBN:978-91-44-09395-6 LIBRIS-ID:20896350 Library search
Socialstyrelsen, URL: Länk
Upplaga 3 : Stockholm : Liber, 2020 - 542 sidor ISBN:9789147113590 LIBRIS-ID:r33xxlqbp8c7g5qr Library search
Upplaga 3 : Stockholm : Liber, [2021] - 582 sidor ISBN:9789147113606 LIBRIS-ID:bppnmg6f8w36zftc Library search
4., [rev.] uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteratur, 2016 - 186 s. ISBN:9789144109022 LIBRIS-ID:19090791 Library search
1. utg. : Stockholm : Natur & Kultur, 2012 - 334, [2] ISBN:91-27-13093-2 (inb.) LIBRIS-ID:11926826 Library search
Tredje upplagan : Lund : Studentlitteratur, [2021] - 296 sidor ISBN:9789144137452 LIBRIS-ID:5jsfp5c532cnmk8f Library search
Tredje upplagan : Lund : Studentlitteratur, [2019] - 483 sidor ISBN:9789144123172 LIBRIS-ID:dpsx0xwsbp338v4z Library search
tredje upplagan : Lund : Studentlitteratur, 2019 - 756 sidor ISBN:9789144123165 LIBRIS-ID:5gkprpnf39z8zrjx Library search
Tredje upplagan : Lund : Studentlitteratur, [2019] - 711 sidor ISBN:9789144123189 LIBRIS-ID:3dhmpmln1m0w1rb0 Library search
Fjärde upplagan : Lund : Studentlitteratur, [2019] - 514 sidor ISBN:9789144125244 LIBRIS-ID:9l3pfxjd7x8774sx Library search
Andra upplagan : Lund : Studentlitteratur, [2018] - 485 sidor ISBN:9789144120539 LIBRIS-ID:9j6pz75q7d56bxcw Library search
3., [rev.] uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteratur, 2016 - 271 s. ISBN:9789144109534 LIBRIS-ID:19523669 Library search
Fifth edition : Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2016. - 381 pages ISBN:9781482264197 LIBRIS-ID:20051579 Library search
10th edition. : St. Louis, Missouri : Elsevier, Inc, [2017] - 2 volumes ISBN:9780323328524 LIBRIS-ID:19795457 Library search
2., omarb. utg. : Stockholm : Natur och kultur, 1996 - 188 s. ISBN:91-27-06467-0 LIBRIS-ID:8348361 Library search
Tredje upplagan : Lund : Studentlitteratur, [2019] - 495 sidor ISBN:9789144116266 LIBRIS-ID:kwjljpt5hdx24wvp Library search
Studentlitteratur AB, 2021 - 472 sidor ISBN:9789144139753 LIBRIS-ID:jxzmktd7gq79ns87 Library search