Course syllabus for

Advanced Course in Upper Airway Problems, 7.5 credits

Övre luftvägsproblem - fördjupningskurs, 7.5 hp
This course syllabus is valid from autumn 2012.
Please note that the course syllabus is available in the following versions:
Course code
Course name
Advanced Course in Upper Airway Problems
7.5 credits
Form of Education
Higher Education, study regulation 2007
Main field of study 
AV - Second cycle 
Grading scale
Fail (U) or pass (G)
Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology
Participating institutions
  • Department of Clinical Science and Education, Södersjukhuset
Decided by
Programnämnd 2
Decision date
Revised by
Programnämnd 2
Last revision
Course syllabus valid from
Autumn 2012

Specific entry requirements

Admission to the course requires prerequisites equivalent to the ENT part within the course Neuro, senses and psyche in the physician programme.


The overall goal is that the student, on completion of the course, should have advanced knowledge and understanding of diseases in the upper airways. The knowledge is tiered according to the SOLO taxonomy (S1-S4) and the skills according to Miller's pyramid (M1-M4) *. Knowledge and understanding After the course, the student should be able to - comprehensively describe and assess common symptoms and signs of upper and lower airway problems (S3) - diagnose the most common causes of upper airway obstruction and explain connections with possible risk factors (S3) - compare different treatment options and analyse consequences of a chosen treatment (S3) Skills: The student should be able to - independently take an adequate and relevant medical record for diseases in the airways (M3) - independently carry out nasofibroscopy and fibroscopy examination of upper airways under uncomplicated conditions - independently maintain a free airway through mask ventilation (M3) Approach: The student should be able to - demonstrate capacity for assessing own skills and demonstrate ability to a holistic view of patient contact (M3) - identify ethical dilemmas in clinical activities - be able to demonstrate a critical and scientific approach to scientific information and clinical treatments (M3)


The course contains lectures, demonstrations and clinic of one's own. In addition, there are planned study visits at the National respiration Centre and the Prehospital Centre at Södersjukhuset. Acute conditions in the airways are mainly handled in our emergency units but are often presented initially at primary care level. Knowledge of adequate treatment of this patient group both these nursing levels are necessary. The theoretical parts of the course include the following conditions: congenital, infectious, allergic, mechanical, trauma, tumors and others The ETN perspective constitutes the basis of the course, but several conditions will also be illuminated, based on an anaesthesia - intensive care, infection and radiological standpoint. The research front in the area will be illustrated in seminars. Acute situations within the care often make demands on fast decisions where factors such as sex, ethnicity and religion may contribute to the complexity. This will be discussed during the course. Integrating assignments in the course: Nasal obstruction Hoarseness Dyspnea Respiratory sounds Inhalation difficulties

Teaching methods

The course is based both on active participation in practical clinical exercises in examination technique, and on the students' own clinics where patients with upper airway problems are admitted. The course also includes practical exercises of prehospital treatment of patients with upper airway problems. Furthermore, the students will complete an individual written assignment in the form of case studies that are presented in seminars.


Examination is done through an assessment if the student has achieved the course goals through his/her active participation in the compulsory parts and presentation in the case seminar. As a part of the examination, the student should be able to conduct clinical reasoning based on theoretical knowledge, to be examined through active participation in discussion of seminar cases. In addition, a written examination based on the learning outcomes and the pedagogical contents of the course is carried out. Compulsory parts: participation in examination technique, own clinic, simulated exercises and individual case studies. Attendance at all clinical parts is compulsory. Examination: The course is completed with a joint written examination that is based on short-answer questions and case studies. To pass the course, passed clinical duty and examination are required. The number of examination and practical training sessions follows the local guidelines of Karolinska Institutet, implying that the number of examinations is limited to 6, while placement, as a rule, may be repeated only once.

Transitional provisions

If a course has been closed down or undergone major changes, at least two additional examinations (excluding regular examinations) in the previous contents are provided during a period of a year from the date of the change.

Other directives

The course connects to and enhances core knowledge in the stages of the Study Programme in Medicine C. The examiner may with immediate effect interrupt a student's placement if the student demonstrates such serious deficiencies in knowledge, skills or attitudes that patient safety or patient confidence in healthcare is at risk. If the placement is interrupted, it implies that the student fails in the current part. In such cases, an individual action plan should be set up, where it comes clear which activities and examinations are required, before the student is given the possibility to further placement. Limitations in the right to get credit for the course in a degree The course may not be included in a degree at the same time as an advanced course completed inside or outside the country, the contents of which fully or in essential parts corresponds to the current course contents. * The knowledge is tiered according to the SOLO taxonomy: S1) simple (e.g. know, identify), S2) compound (e.g. account for, describe), S3) related (e.g. analyse, relate), and S4) extended (e.g. theorise, analyse). The skills are structured according to Miller's pyramid: M1) know, M2) know how to carry out M3) be able to demonstrate, and M4) be able to carry out in a professional manner.

Literature and other teaching aids

There is no literature specified for this course. Please contact the department for more information.