Course syllabus for

Forensic Medicine - to diagnose what the living and the dead do not want or cannot tell, 7.5 credits

Rättsmedicin - att diagnostisera det som levande och döda inte vill eller kan berätta, 7.5 hp
This course syllabus is valid from autumn 2021.
Course code
Course name
Forensic Medicine - to diagnose what the living and the dead do not want or cannot tell
7.5 credits
Form of Education
Higher Education, study regulation 2007
Main field of study 
AV - Second cycle 
Grading scale
Fail (U) or pass (G)
Department of Oncology-Pathology
Decided by
Programme committee for study programme in medicine
Decision date
Course syllabus valid from
Autumn 2021
This course syllabus is not available in English.