Course syllabus for

Clinical Psychology 2, 25.5 credits

Klinisk psykologi 2, 25.5 hp
This course syllabus is valid from autumn 2018.
Please note that the course syllabus is available in the following versions:
Course code
Course name
Clinical Psychology 2
25.5 credits
Form of Education
Higher Education, study regulation 2007
Main field of study 
AV - Second cycle 
Grading scale
Fail (U), pass (G) or pass with distinction (VG)
Department of Clinical Neuroscience
Decided by
Programnämnd 8
Decision date
Revised by
Education committee CNS
Last revision
Course syllabus valid from
Autumn 2018

Specific entry requirements

Passed semester 1-5 of the Study Programme in Psychology (150 credits) and at least 7.5 credits from the mandatory course on semester 6.

In order to fail the clinical training in part 3, the student must have shown so serious deficiencies in knowledge, skills or attitudes that the patient security or the patients' trust for the healthcare has been jeopardised. The student will qualify to a new clinical training only when the individual action plan has been completed.


Part 1
On completion of the course, the student should be able to:

  • account for and use motivational interviewing methods
  • describe principles and decisions regarding clinical interviewing in different populations and situations These principles and decisions should also be discussed from an ethical perspective

Part 2
On completion of the course component, the student should be able to:

  • establish a diagnosis according to the DSM also when the patient has comorbid somatic or psychiatric problems
  • theoretically and practically discuss as well as do behavioural analysis/case conceptualisation
  • account for and apply knowledge on scientific theories and research method/design in clinical psychology
  • in an advanced way account for the practice and also in-depth understanding of different evidence-based methods in the treatment of psychiatric/behavioural disorders
  • discuss ethical and legal issues in clinical psychology based on applicable laws (Patientdatalagen, 2008:355; The Patientsäkerhetslagen, 2010:659; Public attendance and the sekretesslag, 2009:400) and regulations (The Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare's regulations of information management and medical records keeping in the health care; SOSFS 2008:14) as well as independent assessments with special respect on confidentiality and medical records keeping

Part 3
On completion of part 3, the student should be able to:

  • carry out diagnostic interview with aim to establish a diagnosis and decide suitability for internet treatment
  • under supervision carry out psychological treatment via internet for diagnosed psychological problems
  • in accordance with relevant legislation and instruction in medical records text record and summarize the treatment and outcome

Part 4
On completion of the course component, the student should be able to:

  • plan and carry out testing with WAIS and provide feedback to the test subject
  • describe and administrate commonly occurring clinical assessment tools
  • plan and carry out complex neuropsychological investigations and reflect upon differential diagnoses
  • account for and apply clinical principles/laws/ethics relevant to neuropsychological investigations and its relevant practices such as medical records/written assessments to the patient etc

Part 5
On completion of the course component, the student should be able to:

  • account for basic concepts in general pharmacology
  • account for drugs/group of drugs in the treatment of psychiatric and neurological diseases and pain. The student should also be able to account for biological mechanisms, adverse drug reactions and pharmacokinetic effects for these drugs


The course has 5 components.

Communicational skills 3: Motivational interviewing, 3.0 hp

Grading scale: GU

During part 1, the students may learn skills in motivational interviewing. The student learns how to communicate with different populations (e g children, older people) and is also provided with knowledge about communication skills in specific contexts (e g to the court) and important variables that may be linked to these contexts (e g memory, using an interpreter etc.). The aim is that the student should be able to use motivational interviewing as well as general communication methods in different contexts in a flexible and individualised way, based on evidence-based guidelines.

Diagnostics: Assessment and intervention, 9.0 hp

Grading scale: VU

Part 2 contains advanced knowledge of aetiology, symptoms, behavioural analysis and evidence-based treatment at common DSM-diagnoses e g depression, social phobia, panic disorder and specific phobia. The component also contains overview of treatment and assessment of somatic conditions. A treating perspective is emphasised, i.e. planning and implementation of evidence-based treatment efforts in the field cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), based on current research. The process from behavioural analysis, assessment to treatment planning is discussed and is practiced on. This part also contains elements that highlight laws and regulations and ethical arguments that are applicable in clinical contexts.

Practical skills that are brought up within the scope of Clinical psychology 2 part 1 and 2, will be practiced further on within the scope of the parallel course ”Self-knowledge and clinical skills” 4.5 credits.

Internetbased psychological treatment methods, 3.0 hp

Grading scale: GU

During part 3, the student learns how to do evidence-based treatment for commonly occurring psychiatric or health-related problems. Each student carries out a diagnostic interview with a patient, and also do Internet-based psychological treatment under supervision. Supervision and lectures are given around the treatment set-up. Towards the end of the course component, the results of the treatment contact is summarised.

Investigation methods and report writing 2, 6.0 hp

Grading scale: VU

During part 4, the students learn about neuropsychological assessments and written evaluations. This include training in administration, interpretation and providing feedback from a test (WAIS). The student administer the test to an adult person and also observe another student when assessing the instrument. The students are grouped together in a workshop and learns about the different instruments used. The student further deepens his/her skills to plan and carry out complex neuropsychological investigations including differential diagnosis considerations and also how to write evaluations. Neuropsychological treatment is discussed during this part.

Basic pharmacology, 4.5 hp

Grading scale: VU

During part 5, the student obtains basic knowledge in general pharmacology including pharmacokinetics ("what makes the body with the drug ?"), pharmacodynamics ("what makes the drug with the body ?") and drug interactions. Furthermore, the student obtains basic knowledge of which drugs and pharmaceutical groups that are used when treating psychiatric and neuropsychiatric syndrome (e g depression, bipolar syndrome, depression, schizophrenia, ADHD and substance abuse) and certain neurological diseases (e g epilepsy and dementia) as well as pain. Focus is to understand the biological mechanisms of the drugs/pharmaceutical groups, which adverse drug reactions they can give, as well as how the body can influence the drugs.

Teaching methods

The teaching consists of teacher-supervised lectures, films, role plays, discussion seminars, group assignments, supervision sessions, client work as well as web-based teaching. Certain seminars, exercise sessions, group assignments and written assignments during the course are compulsory. Course Coordinator assesses about and if so how absence from compulsory activities can be recovered. The student must have participated in the compulsory activities or passed this part in some other way in order for the examiner to report the results. Absence from a compulsory activities could imply that the student must attend the next course in order to pass.


Part 1
The student's theoretical and practical knowledge are examined through:
1) encoding of recorded conversations
2) written minor essay about conversation in different situations and populations

On the component, one of the grades is given Pass (G)/Fail (U). To pass the course component, at least grade Pass on the examination assignments 1 is required and 2.

Part 2
The student's knowledge are examined through
1) 1) role play seminar where the student should carry out a diagnostic interview and conduct a behavioural analysis with a patient role played by a seminar leader
2) 2) five seminars (social phobia, specific phobia, panic disorder, depression and behavioural medicine) where the student should read empirical and theoretical articles, and during the seminar in an advanced way discuss the contents and importance for psychological treatment at respective condition of the articles
3) 3) written shorter tests examine the basic theoretical part
4) 4) written examination that includes diagnostics, behavioural analysis and psychological treatment in accordance with current evidence theory

On examination assignment 1-3, one of the grades is given Pass (G)/Fail (U). On examination assignment 4, one of the grades is given Pass with distinction (VG)/Pass (G)/Fail (U). To pass the course part, at least grade Pass on examination assignment 1-4 is required. For Pass with distinction, the grade Pass on examination assignment 1-3 and Pass with distinction on examination assignment 4 is required.

Part 3
The student's skills, knowledge and and knowledge are examined though:
1) demonstrated ability to carry out diagnostic interview
2) demonstrated ability to carry out internet treatment under supervision
3) writing medical records about treatment process and outcome

On the examination assignments, one of the grades is given Pass (G)/Fail (U). To pass the course component, at least grade Pass on the examination assignments 1-3 is required.

Examiner can with immediate impact interrupt a student's placement or the equivalent if the student shows such serious deficiencies in knowledge, skills or attitudes that the patient security or the patients' trust for the healthcare is jeopardised. When placement is interrupted like this, it implies, that the student fails on current component and that the whole activitity is cancelled. In such cases, an individual action plan should be established, where it appears which activities and examinations that are required before the student is given possibility to new examination on this course.

Part 4
The student's knowledge of evaluation methods and written advice are examined through
1) oral and written presentation of the workshop
2) passed WAIS-testing
3) written assignment: Statement and certificate

On examination assignment 1-2, one of the grades is given Pass (G)/Fail (U). On examination assignment 3, one of the grades is given Pass with distinction (VG)/Pass (G)/Fail (U). To pass the course component, at least grade Pass on examination assignment 1-3 is required. For Pass with distinction, the grade Pass on examination assignment 1-2 and Pass with distinction on examination assignment 3 is required.

Part 5
The student knowledge is examined through an oral test and a written home examination. On the oral test, grades Pass (G) or Fail (U) are given. On the written home examination, one of the following grades is given; Pass with distinction (VG), Pass (G) or Fail (U). To pass on the whole part, Pass on the oral test and Pass on the written examination are required. For Pass with distinction, Pass on the oral test and Pass with distinction on the written home examination are required.

To pass in the whole course, it is required at least grade Pass on all examination assignments during part 1-5. To obtain Pass with distinction on the whole course, the grade Pass with distinction on at least two of the course part 2, 4 and 5 is required as well as Pass on course component 1 and 3.

Limitation of examinations on theoretical course modules:
Student who has not obtained passed results after regular examination has the right to participate at further five examinations. If the student has carried out six failed examinations, he/she will not be given any more additional examination. As examination, the times that the student has participated are counted in one and the same test. Submission of blank exam is counted as examination. Examination to which the students registered but not participatedwill not be counted as examination.

Limitation of placement/clinical modules:
Student who has not passed on clinical placement (e g internet treatment under supervision) has the right to participate at an additional occasion (this can however be at the following course).

Transitional provisions

The transition rules follow KI's local guidelines for examination.

Other directives

Course evaluation takes place in accordance with KI's local guidelines. Results and possible actions are communicated to the students on the course web page.

Literature and other teaching aids

Literature and other teaching aids

Various scientific papers/compendium and selected chapters may be added

The entire course:

Sverne Arvill, Ebba Etik och juridik för psykologer och psykoterapeuter
Damell, Camilla; Klefbom, Jenny Journalföring för psykologer

Part 1: Communicational skills 3: Motivational interviewing

Miller, William R.; Rollnick, Stephen Motiverande samtal : att hjälpa människor till förändring
Scientific papers/compendium.

Part 2: Diagnostics: Assessment and intervention

Clinical handbook of psychological disorders : a step-by-step treatment manual Barlow, David H.
Ramnerö, Jonas; Törneke, Niklas Beteendets ABC : en introduktion till behavioristisk psykoterapi
Farmer, Richard F.; Chapman, Alexander L.q (Alexander Lawrence) Behavioral interventions in cognitive behavior therapy : practical guidance for putting theory into action
KBT inom psykiatrin Öst, Lars-Göran
Scientific papers and compendium.

Part 3: Internetbased psychological treatment methods

Current treatment manual (available during the course)

Part 4: Investigation methods and report writing 2

Selander, Ulla-Britt; Nyman, Håkan Psykologutlåtanden och intyg
Scientific papers and compendium

Part 5: Basic pharmacology

Arborelius, Lotta Neurofarmakologi : för psykologer, psykoterapeuter och beteendevetare