Course syllabus for

Breast Milk and Breastfeeding for Sick or Preterm Infants, 7.5 credits

Bröstmjölk och amning av sjuka eller för tidigt födda barn, 7.5 hp
This course syllabus is valid from autumn 2024.
Course code
Course name
Breast Milk and Breastfeeding for Sick or Preterm Infants
7.5 credits
Form of Education
Higher Education, study regulation 2007
Main field of study 
Sexual, Reproductive and Perinatal Health 
Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements 
Grading scale
Pass, Fail
Department of Women's and Children's Health
Decided by
Education committee KBH
Decision date
Course syllabus valid from
Autumn 2024







Literature and other teaching aids

Kylberg, Elisabeth; Westlund, Mia; Zwedberg, Sofia Amning i dag
Wambach, Karen; Spencer, Becky Breastfeeding and human lactation
Familjecentrerad neonatalvård Jackson, Karin; Wigert, Helena
Lagercrantz, H; Hellström-Westas, L; Norman, M Neonatologi
Omvårdnad av det nyfödda barnet Lundqvist, Pia
Barnmedicin Hanséus, Katarina; Jägervall, Martin; Norman, Mikael
Hanson, Lars A. Immunobiology of human milk : how breastfeeding protects babies
Supporting sucking skills in breastfeeding infants Genna, Catherine Watson
Merenstein & Gardner's handbook of neonatal intensive care Gardner, Sandra L.; Carter, Brian S.; Hines, Mary Enzman; Hernandez, Jacinto A.