Credit transfer - first and second cycle education

As a student, which is defined as someone who is admitted and pursuing studies at Karolinska Institutet, you are entitled to apply for credit transfer for previous education, other education, work experience and other prior learning.

Credit transfer for previous higher education

You have the right to apply for transfer of credits for previous higher education if teh following to conditions are met: you have passed previous education and there is no substantial difference between previous and current education.

Credit transfer for other education and prior learning

For other education the right to apply is applicable if: the knowledge and skills you invoke are of such nature and extent that they essentially correspond to the education for which they are intended to be credited.

It is also possible to apply for credit transfer for corresponding knowledge and skills from professional experience and prior learning.

Prior learning is the combined skills of an individual, regardless of formal evidence. This competence can for example refer to knowledge and skills that have been achieved through work experience or education from outside higher education institutions.

Application for credit transfer

The examiner is responsible for credit transfer decisions for entire courses or part of courses. Decisions about credit transfer regarding a major part of a programme, degree project or elective course are taken by the programme director or equivalent.

Information about credit transfer, how to apply and contact details can be found on the course- and programme websites.

Your application is handled urgently but keep in mind that the process can take up to 2 months before you will get a decision. Therefore it is important to apply well in advance!

You cannot appeal against a favorable decision after the time for appeal has expired, that is, after three weeks. 

What implications does a credit transfer on your studies?

A decision about granted credit transfer can affect your study situation in several ways:

  • You shall not and have not right to participate in the course/part of the course that you have been given credit for.
  • The Swedish Board of Student Finance (CSN) does not grant study allowances for courses that have been credited.
  • Courses in a programme build upon each other and shall be studied in the order that is stated in the syllabus. If you are a programme student and have been granted credit transfer, there may be a break in your studies during the time when you otherwise would have studied.


Credit transfer regulations for first and second level studies at KI

Administrative forms


Course Administrator/Examiner

Study Counselling

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