For students attending the Master programme in Global Health - 60 credits External funds
If you will be collecting data for your Degree Project at a university that is not on the partner university list, you might consider applying for external funds. Please note that most of the information is in Swedish.
- Carl Erik Levins travel grant. Information and application in Swedish. Instructions (in Swedish)
- Erasmus+ Traineeship scholarship (only valid in certain countries)
- Göteborgs universitet has compiled a vast list of possible scholarships to apply for (in English)
- Karolinska Institutet Foundation Scholarships
- Länsstyrelserna (The County Administrative Board) has a good database to search through (in Swedish)
- Medicinska Föreningens samstiftelse för studieresor
- The Nordic Africa Institute
- Through SEB you can find scholarships for travel (“resa”) and medical research (”medicinsk forskning”), in Swedish: |
- A few scholarships can be found through Uppsala Universitet