For students attending the Master programme in Global Health - 60 credits Important information regarding the discontinuation of the one-year Master programme in Global Health

The programme will be given for the last time autumn 2024 and after that a two-year Master’s programme will start. The one-year programme will run as usual the coming study year, 2 September 2024 – 8 June 2025.


KI will not be able to grant deferrals of the study start autumn 2024. 


Examination of discontinued courses

As the programme will be given for the last time autumn 2024, all the courses be cancelled. Students who have remaining assignments left on courses in the one-year programme, will have the possibility to finalize the examination over the 2 years following the cancellation of the course.

The last opportunity to finalize examination will be spring 2027.

Content reviewer:
Lena Björk