For students attending the course Practical Placement 2 (18 ECTS) course code 4BP049
This is the second internship course within the Master's programme in bioentrepreneurship. The course consists of projects in the field of life science. The project can be done in collaboration with companies or organisations and aims to illustrate or resolve specific issues.
The course starts on 28 October 2024 and ends 19 January 2025.
The schedule for the autumn term 2025 will be published two weeks before the course start.
Schedule HT24
Course Evaluation
Course evaluation will be carried out in accordance with the guidelines established by the Board of Education. Course council meeting is held with the course director and student representatives.
Madelen Lek
Programme directorLiisa Olsson
Course administratorMalin Sandell
Study Councelor
Student at KI
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