For students attending the course Applied Biomedical Communication and Professional Development (7.5 credits) course code 4BI116

The core aim for this course is for the student to recognise, understand and apply the appropriate style, format and content suitable for different purposes and audiences. The course focuses heavily on understanding and improving scientific writing style. It also covers scientific presentation, peer-to-peer feedback and digital media in the biomedical field.


Credit: iStock Photo: iStock

About the course

The course is held on campus with full-time teaching (100%). Full-time teaching corresponds to 40 hours of study per week.

The course is aimed at improving skills in communication that all biomedical researchers require.

The course is divided into two main parts:

Scientific writing in biomedical research (4.5 credits):
Having completed this part, the student will have further developed their tools for writing professional English. Critical reading, writing and written feedback skills are developed in the context of writing a text inspired by a scientific research manuscript.

Personal Development and Applied Biomedical Communication (3 credits):
In this part, the student learns how communication styles, methods and context change with the audience, culminating in the presentation and/or exhibition of scientific concepts in styles appropriate for the scientific community and the general public. A specific focus is placed on illustration and digital communication. The student will also reflect on personal skills that are required for biomedical researchers in different career paths and communication in the international workplace.


Course starts Friday 16th of February and ends Tuesday 19th of March 2024.

Here's the schedule in TimeEdit, any alterations will be automatically updated.


Registration is mandatory in order to keep your place and participate in the course. You register yourself in Ladok. The registration period is from February 14 until February 22, 2024. More information about web registration.


Course responsible department:

Department of Cell and Molocular Biology

Profile image

Linda Lindell

Course Administrator
Content reviewer: