For students attending the course Frontiers in Biomedicine (10.5 hp) course code 4BI107

The course serves as an introduction to the Master's Programme in Biomedicine. The aim of the course is that the student should understand the connection between how changes at the molecular level can influence basic functions in individual cells and/or organs in relation to the human body; special focus is placed on changes from healthy to diseased tissue and on the connection between symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of different diseases.


Image of Biomedicine
Biomedicine - Cure, protection, research and analysis (from Flickr)

Welcome Information

About the course

The course is held on campus with full-time teaching (100%) and lasts for 6.5 weeks. Full-time teaching corresponds to 40 hours of study per week.

Course starts on 2nd September, 2024 and runs until 15th October 2024.  The roll call is on Monday 2nd September, 12:30-16:00, at Ragnar Granit, KI Solna campus. 


Registration for the course is mandatory in order to keep your place and participate in the course. Register yourself in Ladok. The registration period is from 2024-08-26 to 2024-09-09. More information about web registration.

Course evaluation and Course analysis


Course responsible department:

Department of Medicine (Solna) 

Profile image

Rachel Fisher

Course Director
Profile image

Mari Liljefors

Education coordinator/Course Administrator
Content reviewer: