For students attending the course Biostatistics (6 credits) course code 5MT013

After this course, students should have an understanding of the fundamental statistical concepts and tools that are used for data analysis in modern research in molecular life sciences. Both theoretical and practical (hands‐on) components will be included. The course will complement other courses in the Master's programme that have a bioinformatics perspective.

On this page you will find the latest syllabus, link to schedule and contact details.


Information about the course

The course will take place between December 2, 2024 - January 19, 2025.

The written examination will held on January 17, 2025

Please be reminded that even though there is no compulsory physical attendance between 2024-12-21 – 2025-01-02, there may be assignment deadlines and other types of learning activities during this period.


Registration to the course is mandatory. You register yourself in Ladok. The period to register is two weeks before and one week after the start of the course. More information on how to register.


Link to schedule in Time Edit

Course analysis and Course evaluation

Link to course evaluation


Course administration

For all practical questions about the course - always contact the course administration through the above e-mail.

Responsible insitution

Institutionen för medicinsk epidemiologi och biostatistik (MEB)

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Keith Humphreys

Course manager
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Kristina Leif

Course administrator
Content reviewer:
Kristina Leif