For students attending the course Diet, physical activity and disease prevention – interventions, mHealth and eHealth (15 credits) course code 4NT024

This course is divided into two parts; Public health disease monitoring, large scale data collection, analysis, and data visualizations (7 credits) and Interventions and digital health, (8 credits). It deals with global diseases, their prevalence, trends and determinants with focus on diet and physical activity. It also aims to give you a deeper understanding and knowledge of intervention studies in the field of nutrition and physical activity, especially those that use tools in digital health.



Introduction to the course

Public health disease monitoring, large scale data collection, analysis, and data visualizations (7 credits)

During this part of the course, different surveillance and monitoring tools, as well as data visualization schemes, for diet-related global diseases are introduced and used together with organisations, policy documents and action plans in the field of public health nutrition. You will be introduced to mainstream data analysis, processing and visualization tools. The use of AI analytics in health science and nutrition will also be introduced during the course.

Interventions and digital health (8 credits)

This part of the course will cover study planning, study design (randomized controlled trials), and evaluation (data analyses and interpretation of results). You will write a study protocol for a randomized controlled intervention study, which will include three phases: planning, implementation and evaluation. 

This course will also cover behaviour change models and techniques, such as motivational interviewing. The course also deals with different funding opportunities for research projects and health promotion initiatives and how such an application is structured.

Teaching methods and examination

The course consists of seminars, group work, lectures, exercises and discussions and opposing on another groups project plan.

The examination of part 1 consists of active participation in workshops and an individual assignment. The examination of part 2 consists of a written exam, a group work and an individual written report.

Course Evaluations


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Ioannis Ioakeimidis

Course leader part 1
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Sara Bruce

Educational administrator

Course literature and useful resources

Reports, articles and other prescribed literature are listed at course start and will be available electronically.


Canvas is the e-learning platform we are using at KI. Here you will find course material, assignments and a possibility to communicate with students and teachers. One to two weeks before the course starts you will as a student get an invitation by e-mail to the address you used at After accepting the invitation you should be able to access the course.

Content reviewer:
Sara Bruce