Introduction at Karolinska Institutet

KI and the Student Union are organising a number of introduction activities to give you as a global programme student or exchange student a smooth start to your studies at KI.

Students mingle in groups at the welcome fair with their KI backpacks. Balloons are visible in the background.
Students at the welcome fair. Photo: Liza Simonsson

To start off your studies at KI in the best way possible, make sure to take part of our introduction activities. KI and the Student Union are organising the introduction week with social and informative events, including the welcome ceremony. 

The induction week will take place on August 25-29, 2025. A detailed schedule of activities will be published.

Register for the introduction activities in Hitract

  • Hitract is Medicinska Föreningens (MF) and Mottagningsutskottets (MU, the Reception Commitee) event app. Download to see all activities during the reception week and to register.
  • Hitract will give you the latest information about the introduction activities.
  • In Hitract you create an account and search for "Mottagningsutskottet". If you need help you will find a video at MU:s Instagram @mottagningsutskottetmf
  • If you have any questions, please contact


Student communication unit