If Anything Should Happen Abroad

If anything should happen while abroad.

If anything should happen during your exchange it is important that you contact your International Coordinator at KI. Please add the following contact details in your cell phone before you leave Sweden.

Falck Global Assistance

In an absolute emergency situation, contact Falck Global Assistance. Tel: +46 49 8587717 or email fga@se.falck.com

ICE - In Case of Emergency

If anything would happen to you during your exchange, if you become seriously hurt and cannot speak, it is advisable to add ICE contacts in your mobile phone. ICE is an internationally recognized concept, where medical staff quickly can get in touch with your relatives.

Remember to add the prefix "+" instead of "00" (which only works in Europe). Sweden's country code is 46. For instance, if you want your sister in Sweden to be your ICE contact, add her as "ICE Sister +4670123456". You can have more than one ICE contact.

Lost Your Passport?

If you lose your passport or national ID card in another country, you should contact your nearest embassy/consulate.

Register at the Embassy

If you are travelling to a low- or middle-income country, we recommend that you register with your embassy/consulate when you arrive to the country where you will carry out your exchange studies. Follow the embassy's recommendations and advice on healthcare in the country you are.

Needlestick and work-related injuries with a risk of blood infection

If you suffered a needlestick or a work-related injury with a risk of blood infection follow Student Wellbeing Centre's routines.

Student Wellbeing Centre

Learn more about what Student Wellbeing Centre offers and how to contact them.

The Insurance StudentUT

If you during your exchange period need to use the insurance Student UT you must make a claim. Theft must be reported to the local police authority. Full terms and conditions for Student UT and the claim form is available below.

The claim form must be signed by you and sent with any police reports and / or receipts to your International Coordinator at KI. Thereafter it will be sent to Kammarkollegiet. If you are in the EU and hold EU citizenship, you should use the European Health Insurance Card for any health related matters.


Content reviewer:
Emma Rydberg