COPE - A handbook for student wellbeing
COPE aims to promote psychosocial health in students and contains modules with different themes for psychosocial health:

- Performance demands
- Physical activity
- Occupational balance
- Social relationships
- Sleep
- Difficult emotions and worry
- Changing habits
Each modules contains:
- Background: Brief information about the module.
- Introduction: Here you can read about how different factors affect us humans and our psychosocial health.
- Steps you can take to improve your psychosocial health: Tips on how you can take steps to improve your psychosocial health: Here you can read about steps to improve your own health.
The resource is a collection of information that may be useful for students, so feel free to read it and test it out to find what works best for you! Student Wellbeing Centre offers webinars covering several of these areas that you are warmly welcome to sign up for.
Coping with performance demands and procrastination
In this module we describe briefly how one as a student can be affected by performance demands. On the following pages we present scientifically based tips on how you can cope with perfectionism and break the habit of procrastination in your studies.
Moving makes you feel good!
In this module we describe why it is important for us humans to be physically active. After that you get scientifically based tips on how you can become more physically active in your day to day life.
The importance of occupational balance
In this module we describe how a balance between different activities can be beneficial for us humans. After that we present scientifically based tips on what you can do to achieve a balance between, for example, studies and leisure time.
The importance of social relationships
In this module we briefly describe the importance of social relationships for us humans. After that we present scientifically based tips on how you can increase your social interactions, if you feel that this is something that you need.
The importance of good sleep
In this module we describe briefly how sleep functions for us humans. After that we present scientifically based tips on behavioural changes for good sleep.
About difficult emotions and worry
In this module we describe briefly how we humans are affected by our emotions and by worry, and why we have these experiences. The module also contains scientifically based tips on how to handle difficult emotions and worry.
Changing your habits
In this module we describe habits and how health promoting behaviours can be changed into new habits. Here you can also read scientifically based suggestions of what you can do to achieve the new habits that you want.