Student support and resources
During your time as student at KI you have access to a number of support functions that can help you out.
Academic writing support at the University Library
The academic writing support helps you improve your academic writing, reading, and oral presentation skills. You can book an appointment or attend one of their workshops.
Support in information searching & reference management
Are you searching for scientific articles or writing references and need advice? Choose between drop-in support, and booked support. Our librarians are here to help both students and staff at KI!
Support in information searching & reference management
Career support for students
Take the opportunity to take advantage of all career support that is available to you while you are still a student at Karolinska Institutet.
Stockholm Student Academy
Stockholm Student Academy is a program that will offer you insights into Swedish society, give you an understanding of Stockholm's ecosystem and prepare you for your future career.
Incident - if something has happened
Have you been involved in an accident, feel that you have been harassed, noticed a risk in your study environment or want to give suggestions of improvement related to your study environment? In order to improve KI as a study- and workplace, we need to learn from events that have occurred. Therefore, there is an incident reporting system where students can report if something has happened.
Incident - if something has happened
International coordinators
The International coordinators at Karolinska Institutet assist officially nominated inbound and outbound exchange students. Each programme has its own International Coordinator.
Language café
Practice your language skills at the KI language café. You can also be one of the student coordinators at the café to collect merits that can be used when you apply for studies abroad.
Resources for health and wellbeing for students
COPE - a guide for student wellbeing is a collection of easily accessible and research-based information on how to take care of your psychosocial health during your studies. COPE aims to promote psychosocial health in students and contains modules with different themes for psychosocial health:
- Performance demands
- Physical activity
- Occupational balance
- Social relationships
- Sleep
- Difficult emotions and worry
- Changing habits
Student Wellbeing Centre
The Student Wellbeing Centre is available for all KI students and is a complement to regular health care in Sweden. The Student Wellbeing Centre's staff have a duty of confidentiality and their own separate medical record system. All visits to the Student Wellbeing Centre are free of charge. You can contact them if you for example have problems with stress, performance anxiety, difficulty concentrating or difficulty sleeping. The Student Wellbeing Centre also conducts MRSA screening, organizes seminars on various topics, and provides access to lifestyle tests.
Students’ and doctoral students’ ombudspersons
The students’ and doctoral students’ ombudspersons is an independent office, employed by the student union, to whom you may turn with matters related to your studies at KI, such as if you feel unfairly treated by someone at KI or have problems in your dealings with other students or members of staff.
Students’ and doctoral students’ ombudspersons
Study counsellors
There is a study counsellor for each programme and free-standing course at KI.
Programme study counsellors can help you navigate the rules and requirements of your programme and on issues related to student life as well as planning your studies. Communication with them is confidential. You find the contact information to your study counsellor on the programme webpage for admitted students.
Programme study counsellors - Global Programmes
Study technique
Do you want to sharpen your study techniques and find balance in your studies? Here you will find tips on how to study smarter.
Studying with disabilities
Karolinska Institutet can provide students with disabilities with special support during your studies. Students with disabilities at KI should be guaranteed the same high level of education and the same good quality study environment as other students.
Coordinator for students with disabilities
Studying as a parent
If you are a student at KI and have children, you can find information about what applies and what support you can ask for.
Support in information search and reference management
The University Library's librarians can help you with search strategies and how to find and use different sources. You can also get help with reference management.
Book an appointment or get help via the Library's drop in service