Entry requirements to doctoral education

In order for you to be admitted to doctoral education at Karolinska Institutet, KI, you are required to show that you meet the general and the specific entry requirements. You will find information about how you can show that you meet the general entry requirement to education at doctoral level on this webpage.

Admissions process

Availible doctoral positions are posted on the KI webpage among all availible positions, under the doctoral student category. Your application will be registered in the Varbi recruitment system. KI does not accept applications for a doctoral position by e-mail. You will find information about the admissions process in the advertisement for the doctoral position. Furthermore, you will be supported by the application procedure in Varbi while making your application.

As long as you register your application before deadline, you can submit additional documents by sending them to our mailbox (see contact card in the bottom part of this page), even after the deadline has passed. Once the doctoral position is appointed, you can no longer add further documentation to your application.

The general entry requirement 

A prospective doctoral student meets the general entry requirement for doctoral education if he or she: 

  1. has been awarded a degree at advanced (equivalent to second-cycle in Sweden) level, or,
  2. has satisfied the requirements for courses comprising at least 240 credits (ECTS) of which at least 60 credits (ECTS) were awarded at advanced level, or
  3. has acquired substantially equivalent knowledge in some other way in Sweden or abroad. 

The higher education institution may permit an exemption from the general entry requirements for an individual applicant, if there are special grounds. Please see the Higher Education Ordinance Chapt 7 section 39.

Your studies must have been completed at an internationally recognised university. 

KI follows the guidelines developed by the Association of Swedish Higher Education (SUHF), and the Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHR) in the assessment of general and specific eligibility. 

Apply for assessment of equivalent knowledge 

If you do not meet the general eligibility requirement through your academic education, but you have other relevant qualifications that may compensate, Karolinska Institutet will assess these qualifications to determine if you have shown equivalent knowledge. You can apply for assessment of equivalent knowledge if you have satisfied minimum 180 credits (ECTS). 

Besides other required documentation, you must also attach the following documents to your application for the doctoral position:

  • Completed application form for assessment of equivalent knowledge
  • A list of all of your relevant qualifications, along with documentation that prove these qualifications 

You will find important information regarding assessment of equivalent knowledge, which qualifications that could be relevant, how you can support these qualifications with documentation, and the application form for assessment of equivalent knowledge for general eligibility for doctoral education here

The specific entry requirement on language proficiency in English 

All prospective doctoral students must show proficiency in English equivalent to the Swedish upper secondary school course English B/English 6 with a passing grade. 

KI follows the guidelines developed by the Association of Swedish Higher Education (SUHF), and the Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHR) in the assessment of general and specific eligibility. 

Nordic region

The Nordic region includes Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Iceland, Greenland, the Faroe Islands and Åland.

Applicants who meet the general entry requirements according to point 1 or 2, see above, through academic credentials from a Nordic higher education institution is assessed to meet the English language requirement. This means that prospective doctoral students who fulfill the general entry requirements through academic credentials from a Nordic higher education institution, only need to submit documents that certify the general entry requirements.

Outside the Nordic region

Applicants with academic or upper secondary education from outside the Nordic region often need an internationally recognized language proficiency test in English to show that they meet the English language requirements for doctoral education



Documentation requirements for those with Swedish academic credentials 

Submit your degree and official transcript of records. A diploma supplement can replace an official transcript of records if all courses and grades are clearly stated, all pages of the diploma supplement are submitted and your name and/or reference number is included. 

You can not show that you meet the entry requirement holdning only a letter from your university. 

Kindly note that we will not request that you submit additional documents to your application, should your application be found ineligible due to insufficient documentation.

The following documents must be uploaded for each doctoral student position that you apply for through the recruitment system Varbi.

Applicants who have been awarded a degree on the advanced level 

  • Degree certificate (usually a master's degree)
  • Official transcript of records 
  • A Diploma Supplement can replace official transcript of records if all courses and grades are clearly stated, all pages of the Diploma Supplement are submitted and your name and/or reference number must be included on each page.

Applicants who have ongoing studies at the advanced level (not finished with a degree)

  • Official transcript of records with all completed courses at the advanced level 
  • Bachelor's degree certificate 
  • Bachelor’s degree official transcript of records 

Documentation requirements for those with foreign academic credentials 

Submit your degree and official transcript of records. 

You can not show that you meet the entry requirement holdning only a letter from your university. 

Kindly note that we will not request that you submit additional documents to your application, should your application be found ineligible due to insufficient documentation. 

The following documents must be uploaded for each doctoral student position that you apply for through the recruitment system Varbi.

Applicants who have been awarded a degree on the advanced level 

  • Bachelor's and master's degree certificates issued in the original language 
  • Official transcript of records of your master’s and bachelor’s studies in original language 
  • Diploma supplements (if applicable) 
  • Documentation that certifies the English requirement 

Applicants who have ongoing studies at the advanced level (not finished with a degree)

  • Bachelor's degree certificate in original language 
  • Bachelor’s official transcript of records in original language 
  • Diploma supplements (if applicable) 
  • Official transcript of records with all completed courses at master’s level 
  • Documentation that certifies the English requirement 

If you have ongoing master’s studies in a country outside of European Higher Education Area (EHEA), in addition to the above, you should also submit a syllabus for your master's degree programme.

Kindly note that 60 credits from a non-EHEA country might not be the same as 60 ECTS.

A translation is required if the original documents are issued in a language other than Swedish, Danish, English or Norwegian. The translation must be made by an authorized translator into one of these languages. There might be country specific exceptions from this requirement. Read more about translations at the bottom of this page.


Documentation Formalities

How to scan

The documents must be scans of originals (and not scans of certified copies or copies). Karolinska Institutet will not accept scans of copies. If your documents have been issued in color, then you must scan them in color. Please make sure you scan all pages, including both front and back sides of pages (including for example diploma covers, pages which only contain stamps or information on the education system), and make sure that all details are visible.

Official documents 

Your degree certificate and transcript of record must be officially issued. This usually means that the degree and transcript has been issued by the Examination's or Registrar's office. The original degree and transcript of records must usually include official stamps and signatures by the issuing officer. 


A translation is required if the original documents are issued in a language other than Swedish, Danish, English or Norwegian. The translation must be made by an authorized translator into one of these languages. There might be country specific exceptions from this requirement. Karolinska Institutet uses the same documentation requirements as specified by University Admissions. For more information regarding country specific documentation requirements please visit University Admissions.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I make an application for a doctoral position at KI?

How do I register my application to one of KI:s doctoral positions?

Submit your application and supporting documents through the Varbi recruitment system. The available PhD positions are posted here.

Can my University diploma/Degree Certificate and Transcript of Records be uploaded as one combined file in Varbi?

Yes. It does not matter if you upload the documents separately or as one combined file. KI have access to all files that you upload to your application. Remember to upload all documents to all applications that you register, however.

Will references, professional qualifications to regulated professions, CV, letters of recommendation, personal letter, certificates of previous employments, CGPA, etcetera affect my chances of being selected by the recruiting department?

We kindly refer all questions about the selection of candidate to the contact person in the advertisement. Contact information can be found in the advertisement.

Will my answers to the questions in the application affect my chances of being selected?

We kindly refer all questions about the selection of candidate to the contact person in the advertisement. Contact information can be found in the advertisement.

When are you going to get in touch with our referees? Also, when are we going to know if we are chosen for an interview? 

We kindly refer all questions about the selection of candidate to the contact person in the advertisement. Contact information can be found in the advertisement.

Can I upload additional documents or update my application in Varbi after deadline?

You who have applied for an announced doctoral position cannot add new documents to your application in Varbi after deadline. However, you can submit additional documents to the e-mail address doctoraleligibility@ki.se after deadline.

How does KI assess my submitted documents?

Can KI make a preliminary assessment of my documents?

No, KI does not make any preliminary assessments. You register your application in Varbi. Thereafter, your application will be assessed in time and order of registration.

Do I just have to upload my documents and then my application is assessed automatically?

Admissions officers at KI will assess your submitted documents to assess if you have shown that you meet the entry requirements. After that, the recruiting department makes a selection among the eligible candidates. If you are selected, you will here it directly from the KI department and not from the admissions officers.

I do not have a degree on the advanced level. However, I have many scientific publications and experience as a scientist. How do I go about to apply for assessment of equivalent knowledge?

Review information about equivalent knowledge to the general eligibility to doctoral education. Fill out the form for application of assessment of equivalent knowledge. 

Note that you can only apply for assessment of equivalent knowledge for the general eligibility to doctoral education. It is not possible to apply for equivalent knowledge for the specific eligibility requirement (language proficiency in English).

I have a master's degree in economics, can I still be eligible to doctoral education at KI?

Yes. Doctoral eligibility is depending on the level and extent of your previous academic studies. It does not depend on the main area of studies. KI does, however, only offer doctoral education in the main area of Medical Science.

Which documents do I need to submit?

Does KI require of me to submit my original diploma? What applies about signatures, stamps etc.?

You must submit scans of your original degree/diploma and transcript. Copies will not be accepted. Find out more under the heading Documentation Formalities.

Must foreign documents be translated by an authorized translator?

A translation is required if the original documents are issued in a language other than Swedish, Danish, English or Norwegian. The translation must be made by an authorized translator into one of these languages. re might be country specific exceptions from this requirement. Find out more under the heading Documentation Formalities.

I am currently studying an integrated master program. The program doesn’t offer a bachelor's degree diploma but I am now on my final year of studies. Which documents can I submit to show that I have at least 240 ECTS of which at least 60 ECTS or equivalent are on the advanced level?

Submit your most recently issued Transcript of Records. Provide us with formal documentation from your home university that explains hours/credits/other if not given in ECTS. A syllabys can also be helpful for us as well.

I have a master’s degree diploma. Does this mean that I only need to submit my master’s degree diploma and not my bachelor’s degree diploma?

Yes. If you hold a master’s degree diploma it is enough that you submit your master’s degree diploma together with Transcript of Records. However, if you have a foreign bachelor’s or master’s degree diploma from a country where the academic levels differ from those established with the Bologna process, you must also submit your bachelor’s degree diploma together with Transcript of Records.

If your master’s degree studies are ongoing, make sure to submit Transcript of Records and syllabus.

I have ongoing studies on the advanced level (master’s degree level), which documents do I need to submit with my application?

Submit your bachelor's degree diploma (if you have one). Also submit your most recently issued Transcript of Records of both your bachelor’s degree and master’s degree studies. Please attach formal documentation, issued by your home University, that explains hours/credits/other if your home University does not give ECTS. Submitting your syllabus is also helpful.  

I still have not found the answer to my question, whom should I contact?

Is there any scholarship or fund for doctoral students?

For information about scholarships and financing we kindly refere you to Grants Office. If you have further questions we refer you to the local HR at the KI department.

I already hold a doctoral diploma and I need guidance for my career. Should I contact you?

No, it is better if you contact KI Career Service for postdocs and researchers.

I still have not found the answer to my question, whom should I contact?

You are welcome to contact doctoraleligibility@ki.se for your questions about doctoral eligibility at KI. 




Team Doctoral Eligibility

Case officers Linda Asplund, Emelie Degard and Sabina Sandén

If your question regarding the general entry requirement has not already been answered in the information on this page, you can send us an e-mail to our mailbox. It is monitored daily during working days. Kindly note, however, that Karolinska Institutet does not make any preliminary assessments.

Team of case officers working with education at doctoral level in the Admissions unit at Karolinska Institutet.

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