Apply for an incoming student exchange

On this page, you can find information about how to apply for incoming exchange studies at Karolinska Institutet. You have to be nominated for an exchange by your home institution before applying.

Online application guide

Karolinska Institutet uses an application system called Mobility-Online for managing incoming exchange students. You complete your application in three steps.

Follow the steps below to apply. Read the instructions carefully and make sure to include all required documents as described below. All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are obligatory.

Before you start, read the programme-specific information regarding available courses on Courses and Application for Exchange Students.

Required application documents

You are required to upload the following documents with your online application. Check with your international coordinator at KI if you have any questions.

  • Transcript of Records: must be verified and include credits and grades of the courses passed at your home institution.
  • Passport or EU national ID card: the copy with your photo and details visible must be certified as a true copy of the original by someone not related to you. The certifying person should sign, print their name, and include their telephone number. If you cannot upload a copy at this point,​​ you will be required to do so later in your workflow.​
  • CV: in English (not applicable for Medicine or Speech and Language Pathology)
  • Nomination by home institution: an official letter from your home institution confirming your nomination as an exchange student to Karolinska Institutet.

Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.

The information you provide in Mobility-Online will be stored and treated according to EC Data Protection Directive (95/46/EC), or the EU Regulation 2016/679 and its implementing complementing national laws.

Who can apply? When you have been nominated by your home institution for exchange at Karolinska Institutet, you can apply.

Will I be admitted? There is a limited number of places on each course. You apply in competition and a study place cannot be guaranteed. Please select also alternative courses to your firsthand options to increase your chances of being admitted and accepted for exchange.

How do I apply? Start by preparing the required application documents and when the application round for incoming exchange students opens you can submit your application.

Step 1-3 in the application process

  • Fill in your application details and select the semester that you wish to apply for.
  • The next sections cover your personal details, contact information, home institution, current study details and language proficiency. Use the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) self-assessment grid to assess your level of proficiency in English and Swedish, if needed.
  • In the section “Planned stay at Karolinska Institutet”, you enter the exchange programme and the relevant study programme at KI that will filter your course selection later in the application process. Also enter preferred duration (from – to). Note that the preferred duration is not guaranteed. It will be reviewed along with your course selection to find the optimal period for your exchange.
  • Before submission, enter any comments you would like to send to the international coordinators at KI. Then read and check the Confirmation section and click SEND APPLICATION. Within a few minutes, you will receive an email confirming your submitted application form and a request to register in Mobility-Online. If you do not see the email in a few minutes, check your “junk mail” folder or “spam” folder.
  • Follow the instructions and create your username and password. Save your login information. Upon successful registration you will receive a confirmation email with your personal link for future access to Mobility-Online.
  • Log in to Mobility-Online to reach your personal application workflow to continue with your application. The first step is to enter your personal data by clicking on the plum-coloured box “Complete your personal data”. After your confirmation, click on “Back to application workflow”.
  • You will now find that the box next to “Personal data completed” is ticked and marked in green to confirm that you have completed the step. As soon as a box is ticked, you can continue to the next step.
  • Now upload the required supporting application documents in PDF-format. Read the information in the yellow section carefully. Each document is uploaded by clicking on respective action link. After downloading a copy of your Application Form, you may submit your complete application by uploading the form in the final step.
  • Upon submitting your complete application, you will receive a confirmation email. To finalise your application, you will now have to apply for courses (curricular courses, clinical rotations, research-oriented projects) offered for incoming exchange students. Note that a limited number of places are offered within some courses, and you are asked to select alternative options to increase your chances of being accepted as an exchange student.
  • Continue to the course selection part in Mobility-Online “Before the mobility – Application for courses” and click on “Select courses” in your workflow. Click on the action link “Enter courses” to reach the list of available courses. You can read more about each course on Courses and Application for Exchange Students 2025-2026
  • When you select a course, a window titled “Edit learning agreement” will pop up. You are required to state the course priority “First choice” or “Additional choice” for each selected option. We advise you to select alternative options in addition to your firsthand choices to increase your chances to be accepted for exchange.​
  • When you have finalised your course selection, click “Submit course selection” and you will receive a confirmation by email. KI will now process your application and decide on admission. You will be notified by email if you have been accepted for exchange. 

Online application form

If you have any questions, please contact your International Coordinator at KI.

Good luck!

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