Master's Courses and Clinical Specialisation in Orthodontics
Karolinska Institutet offers master's courses and clinical specialisation in othodontics for participants with university degree in dental surgery and a minimum of two years of clinical experience in general practice. The programme is certified by the Network of Erasmus Based European Orthodontic Postgraduate Programmes (NEBEOP).

The clinical training for obtaining specialisation in orthodontics has been conducted since 1993 at the Department of Dental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet. The Master’s courses and clinical specialisation in orthodontics is reviewed and approved by the Board of Higher Education at Karolinska Institutet for fulfillment of a Degree of Master of Medical Science (120 credits) with a Major in odontology.
The courses provided in the training are designed to meet the requirements of the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare (HSLF-FS 2017:77) and follow the recommendations given by the ”Erasmus Committee” (European Journal of Orthodontics 1992,14:85-94; updated (2014) Eur J Orthod. 2014, 36:340-9.
The aim of the master’s courses and clinical specialisation in orthodontics is to offer residents specialisation with a broad and solid academic foundation. The education provides knowledge and skills needed for diagnosis and care of children, adolescents and adults with an orthodontic treatment need. The education also emphasises health ethics, pedagogics and leadership.

Course Leader
Welcome to one of the most attractive clinical specialist trainings in orthodontics. Karolinska Institutet's modern education and research in the field of dentistry tops the QS World University Rankings. This training will give you access to the best training in the field, based on evidence based clinic.
Place and time
Department of Dental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet. Campus Flemingsberg, Stockholm, Sweden.
The application is closed for the current round.
The master’s courses and clinical specialisation in orthodontics comprises three and half year’s full time study and follows a fixed timetable. A total of 120 credits, including orthodontic theory, basic science courses and preparation of a master’s thesis, are integrated in the weekly schedule.
Each resident will start the treatment of a minimum of 70 patients. In addition, they will finish the treatments of a various number of patients transferred from previous residents. The treatments comprise the whole panorama of orthodontic problems including orthodontic treatment as a part of oral rehabilitation. Exposure to the orthodontic management of patients with cleft lip and palate is included.
In average, each week involves 7 half-day sessions with patient related clinical activities and one full day of theoretical reviews. The remaining sessions are reserved for research, self-study, undergraduate teaching and external courses and congresses. Particular topics are covered by participation in national courses whereby residents from all the postgraduate training centres in Sweden converge.
The residents attend lectures delivered by distinguished lecturers nominated by the European Orthodontic Society. They also attend courses arranged by the Swedish Orthodontic Association, and once during the specialist training they are encouraged to present their research at an international congress. To have full coverage of costs for extramural activities, residents have to apply for membership in the Swedish Orthodontic Association and the European Orthodontic Society.
Examination, certificate and degree
After a minimum of three and half year’s full time service and a final examination conducted by an external examiner, a certificate of Specialisation in Orthodontics is issued by the Department of Dental Medicine. Legitimacy to work as a specialist in Sweden can only be given by the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare to dentists who are registered as fully licensed dental practitioners in Sweden at the commencement of specialist training. Master of Medical Science (120 ECTS credits) with a Major in Odontology is issued by the Board of Education at Karolinska Institutet after pass in all courses and defence of the Master’s thesis. It is expected that each thesis generates material which qualifies for presentation at an international congress and publication in peer reviewed scientific journals.
Master's courses as contract education
The master's courses are offered as contract education, in accordance with the Ordinance (SFS 2002:760) on Contract Education at Universities and University Colleges, and the Swedish National Agency for Higher Education's directions for Contract Education at Universities and University Colleges (HSVFS 2003:3).
Thus, the courses can be commissioned only by a legal entity - an organisation, company or the equivalent.
Eligibility requirements
Degree in Dental Surgery from a University recognised by Karolinska Institutet and a minimum of two years (full time) of clinical experience in general practice as a registered dentist.
Content of application
- A detailed EU Curriculum Vitae
- A personal Letter of Motivation
- Documentation of University Degree Diploma in Dental Surgery and official Transcript of records of completed courses and grades for each semester
- Work Certificates
- Proof of skills in English
- Recommendations
- Contact information to paying entity
Please review this PDF-file for detailed information about the application process.
Course fee
2 450 000 Swedish Kronor (SEK). No VAT included; no VAT will be added. Please note the this fee might change.
The application is closed for the current round. You can register your interest here, and we will get back to you when the application is open for the next round.
Contact information