Rules on the issuing of schedules for first (Bachelor) and second-cycle (Master) courses

Two weeks prior to the course start, the schedule must be made available for the students to plan their time.


The department coordinating a course must make sure that its schedule is issued by no later than two weeks prior to start. Exceptions can be made for semester-long courses divided into parts, where the schedule for each part is to be issued by no later than two weeks in advance.  

The schedule is to be made generally accessible on the open (i.e. password-free) schedule page of the course website. If the course has multiple schedules, all must be given on one and the same page.  

To help students plan their studies, it is recommended that a framework schedule is posted by no later than four weeks prior to the start of the course containing the dates/times of examinations, work-integrated learning sessions and other activities/events over and above regular study hours.  

The schedule is to be kept updated, with any amendments being communicated in such a way that all students can be expected to receive the information. Schedule changes that require students to attend earlier or later than previously stated must be announced with no less than one week’s notice, except where circumstance dictate otherwise.  


Should groupings affect the students’ schedules, details of the groups should be issued to the students by no later than two weeks prior to the start of the course, or at the start of the part for semester-long courses divided into parts (i.e. at the same time as the schedule is issued). Note that in announcing the groupings, no student names are to be published on the open pages of the course website; email or password-protected pages must be used instead. Information on how groupings are communicated is to be published along with the schedule on the course website.  

Work-integrated learning

For periods of work-integrated learning or other practical module that is difficult to schedule two weeks prior to the start of the course, information on scheduling over and above regular study times (i.e. evenings, weekends and nights) is to be given by no later than two weeks prior to the start of the period. The framework and course schedules must make clear if and when such a period is to occur. 

By “part” is meant a separately examined credit-bearing part of a course (see syllabus).

By “regular study hours” is meant 8.00 am – 5.00 pm Monday to Friday during semester time (except public holidays). 

Frida Engman