For students attending the course Infectious diseases- a challenge to global health (4.5 ECT credits) course code 3GB016

The course covers the most important infectious diseases from a global perspective. The following diseases will be given special emphasis: malaria, respiratory infections, gastrointestinal infections, hepatitis, HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, tuberculosis.


Welcome to the course Infectious diseases - a challenge to global health

The course starts 2 December, 2024.

A very varm welcome to the course Infectious diseases - a challenge to global health on the master program in Global Health. We are looking forward to meet you all on December 2, 2024. 

The morning introduction will be followed by a roll-call. Please note that attendance is mandatory so please contact us beforehand if you have any difficulties attending the first day.

Registration to keep your place and attend the course is compulsory. You register yourself in Ladok

The registration period is one weeks before the course starts and three days into the course

More information about web registration:


During the first day you will receive detailed information about the course.


Most welcome!


For further information about this course, please contact:

Course leader and examiner

Student course evaluation and course leader reflection

Contact information

Profile image

Anna Mia Ekström

Course leader and examiner
Profile image

Karima Lundin

Course assistant

Susie Björkholm

Education administration

GPH Study Counsellor

Content reviewer: