For students attending the Master's Programme in Molecular techniques in Life Science Programme organisation

Information about the structure and organisation of the programme

Programme Committee for the Study Programmes in Biomedicine (Programnämnden för biomedicinprogrammen – PN Biomedicin)

Each programme at KI is directed by a committee. The committee discusses and makes decisions in overall matters, such as policy decisions, which courses should be included and their duration, finances, quality assessment and, above all, the development of the programme. This programme is part of the Programme Committee for Biomedicine.

The Committee has responsibility for three programmes:

  • Bachelor’s programmes in Biomedicine
  • Master’s programmes in Biomedicine
  • Master’s programme in Molecular Techniques for Life Science

Members of the PN Biomedicine:

1 Chairperson

1 Programme director

4 Representatives of teaching staff

1 Representative of the Stockholm county council

3 Student representatives

2 Other members are the Programme Officers and Study counsellor


Minutes from the Programme Committee meetings are sent out to the members of the committee.

If you as a student has questions or issues you would like to raise, you should first and fore most address your student representative the in BUS (The section for Biomedicine in the student Union Medicinska Föreningen).

Content reviewer:
John Sennett