For students attending the course Neuroscience, 8,5 hp course code 1BI042

The course covers the structure and function of the nervous system


Information about the course:

This course will provide knowledge about the biology of the nervous system, ranging from the function of molecules and single nerve cells, to the basis of cognitive and other complex brain functions. This knowledge will form a basis for understanding of disease mechanisms, diagnosis and treatment of nervous system disorders. In the laborations neurophysiological methods and simulation will be used to study nervous system function.

The overall aim is to integrate knowledge about the macro- and micro-structure of the nervous system with a wide spectrum of functional aspects.

Contact Information

Profile image

Lennart Brodin

Course Leader and Examiner
Profile image

Marianne Rothoff

Educational administrator

Course secretariat

Berzeliuslaboratoriet, plan 6, Berzelius väg 3

Note! For all practical matters regarding the course - registration, how to count in earlier merits, Canvas-access, schedule, groups etc – always contact in the first place.

Link to Canvas:

Link to the programme web:

Counting in earlier study merits:

Applications about counting in earlier study merits should be added on a specific form which is available at the course secretariat or at: (Links to an external page.)

Leave or send the form with attachments to Marianne Rothoff at Neuro Kursexp.


Marianne Rothoff


Karolinska Institutet Institutionen för neurovetenskap Kursexp, BZ-lab, plan 6

Berzelius väg 3 171 77 STOCKHOLM Course secretarial mail:

Content reviewer: