For students attending the Master's Programme in Nutrition Science (120 ECTS) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Here you can find some of the most Frequently Asked Questions about exchange studies.

What do exchange studies involve?

Studying abroad within the framework of an exchange programme means that the student spends part of his/her period of education at one of the partner institutions. 

Can I go at any time during my studies?

You can travel abroad during semester 3 or 4.

How long can I study abroad?

For "INK agreements" (bilateral agreements): minimum 5 weeks

For Erasmus+ agreement: minimum 60 days

What is expected of an exchange student?

Studying abroad for a period requires a lot of preparation. There are many aspects to consider – before, during and after the study period. You will receive advice and help from the Programme Director and the International Coordinator during your planning.

However, remember that the responsibility for the success of your preparatory work and your foreign studies is your own and that you will have to do a lot of work on your own.

Once you have accepted an exchange place, the International Coordinator will nominate you to the partner university. After you have been nominated you will be contacted by the partner university where you will begin to discuss your project. Once you have accepted the place, compelling reasons are required to withdraw your application.

In your capacity as a representative of Karolinska Institutet it is also important that you are a good ambassador during your stay abroad.

How are exchange studies credited at KI?

For courses at Wageningen, you will be registered there and will then be able to transfer the credits as "Elective courses" at KI.

For a degree project you will be registered and examined at KI. Collecting data for your degree project abroad, requires a supervisor both at KI and at the partner institution. Your project plan should be approved at KI before you start your work.

Is accommodation abroad included?

As an exchange student, your host institution can sometimes help you to arrange accommodation. However, access to student residences is limited in certain places and it is therefore important that you apply for accommodation as soon as you receive your acceptance notice from the host institution.

What will my financial situation be during my exchange studies?

As an exchange student at a partner university you should not pay any tuition fees at the host university (this does not apply to "freemover" students). However, if you currently pay tuition fees at KI, you will also pay the KI tuition fee for the period of your exchange study. 

Even if tuition fees do not apply to you in Sweden, other expenses may arise, such as registration fees, student union fees, insurance fees and costs for course literature and other materials. You also need to pay for living costs and accommodation. You can apply for a travel grant.

Swedish students and students with permanent residence permits

If you fulfil the requirements for a Swedish governmental student grant from CSN, you are entitled to receive it during your studies abroad. Students who collect data abroad for their Degree Project should apply for an ordinary student grant irrespective of the length of their stay. You will be registered in Ladok as a student at KI during the period, not as an exchange student. For more information see the CSN website

Travel grant

Once you have been accepted by the partner university you can apply for a KI travel grant. The travel grant is 5000 SEK for 6 weeks abroad, if you stay 12 weeks or longer the grant is 8000 SEK. For Erasmus+ Studies the minimum is €400 depending on the country.

Language skills and language courses?

KI does not require a language test if you want to become an exchange student; it is your responsibility to have adequate language skills before you begin your exchange studies.

You can brush up your language skills by taking language courses through an adult education organisation (e.g., ABFMedborgarskolan or Studiefrämjandet, Stockholm University) or you could attend an intensive course in your country of study (e.g., a summer course). Certain partner universities also organise language courses at various levels, however, a fee might be charged. 

If you are going to study abroad and you want to apply for a student grant for language studies, you should check with CSN that the school has been approved.

What are student exchange reports?

A student who has completed exchange studies within the framework of the Master's Programme in Nutrition Science must write a student exchange report upon returning. 

Exchange Reports


Remember that it takes a long time to obtain information and organise everything for an exchange study period abroad. So start collecting information and get yourself ready in good time.

It is your own responsibility to prepare yourself as well as possible before you depart!

You must decide where and what you want to study, which can be quite time consuming and requires preparation time.

Don’t forget the unique opportunity you have to learn more about the country and university you plan to go to from exchange students from the partner university who are currently studying at KI. 

You are more than welcome to approach MF (Medical Students' Union) and Global Friends if you want to become a mentor.