For students attending the course Theory in Bioentrepreneurship (4 ECTS) course code 4BP038

This course lays the foundation for the application of an entrepreneurial approach within life science, i.e. bioentrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship literature will be studied in the light of life science challenges and opportunities. The course will also introduce a reflective and reflexive practice to learning.


Welcome information


Course dates: 1 September 2025 - 30 September 2025.

The autumn term will start with a mandatory roll call at 09.00; if you are unable to attend, you must contact Hanna Jansson or Madelen Lek



The registration is open between 18 August and 3 September (23:59 hrs) 2025. If you fail to register within this period, we will consider your study place declined and offer it to a waitlisted applicant.


About the course

Society is facing many challenges. For example, the worlds growing, and ageing population is putting extra pressure on the healthcare systems and the overall welfare. With a developed life science ecosystem that is driving innovation from scientific knowledge using an entrepreneurial approach, these challenges can be the entrepreneurial opportunities of tomorrow and give rise to societal impact.
This course lay the foundation for the application of an entrepreneurial approach within life science, i.e. bioentrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship literature will be studied in the light of life science challenges and opportunities. The course will also introduce a reflective and reflexive practice to learning.


The examination consists of:

  • a reflective learning journal (Pass/Fail)
  • an individual written report (Pass with distinction/Pass/Fail) 

In order to get the grade "Pass" on the whole course, the student needs to obtain the grade "Pass" on all examinations. In order to get the grade "Pass with distinction" on the whole course, the student needs to get the grade "Pass with distinction" on the individual written report and the grade "Pass" on the learning journal.

Compulsory participation

The examiner assesses if and how absence from compulsory parts can be compensated. Before the student has participated in compulsory parts or compensated absence in accordance with the course examiner's the student's course results will not be reported. Absence from a compulsory part may result in the student having to wait to compensate until the next time the course is given.

Digital tools and services for students


Canvas is KI:s new learning platform, where you as a student find course information, schedule, and literature list. Depending on how your teacher chooses to use the learning platform, you may also find quizzes, assignments, films, lecture materials, discussion forums, and much more.

Canvas student guide will give you a walk-through of how Canvas works, so when it comes to user-related questions you can usually find the answer there.


Zoom can be used within Canvas, but also as an online meeting tool outside of Canvas, with, for example, students from other courses, or other educational institutions.


Please note this is a preliminary schedule, the final schedule will be published two weeks before the course start.

Schedule HT2024

Course Evaluation

Course evaluation will be carried out in accordance with the guidelines established by the Board of Education. Course council meeting is held with the course director and student representatives.

Course Evaluation


Profile image

Hanna Jansson

Course director
Profile image

Liisa Olsson

Programme administrator

Malin Sandell

Study Councelor
Content reviewer:
Liisa Olsson