For students attending the course Global Health and Disaster, 7.5 credits, 5HD003 course code 5HD003

The course Global Health and Disasters provides students with an improved understanding of the concept of global health and the impact of disasters on our health, both as individuals and on societies.


Welcome to the course Global Health and Disaster (5HD003)

The course will help you understand the factors that influence global health and the global burden of disease, the nature of health systems around the world, and provide you with knowledge of health indicators that you can use to analyse and evaluate the health situation in different countries and regions. Moreover, the course provides you with an understanding of the impact of disasters on health and health systems. 

  • The course dates are 20 January - 23 February 2025.
    More information will follow approching the course start.
  • For further information about this course, please contact:
    Course leader and examiner

Registration to keep your place and attend the course is compulsory. You register yourself in Ladok


Schedule 5HD003 Spring 2025 Changes may occur.

Course evaluation and course analysis

Course evaluation and course analysis will be published one month after the end of course.

Contact information

Profile image

Anneli Eriksson

Course leader and examiner
Profile image

Saskia Tommos

Course Assistant

Course administrator

GPH Study Counsellor

Content reviewer:
Lena Björk