For students attending the Master's Programme in Translational Physiology and Pharmacology

As a student in the Master's programme in translational physiology and pharmacology here you can find all the necessary information regarding going abroad during your studies at Karolinska Institutet.

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World map, see more images from Nicolas Raymond on

Study abroad

To have the opportunity to experience another culture from the inside is an interesting developmental and instructive process. Studying abroad means not only academic development, it also provides insights and experiences you will profit from in your future life both professionally and personally. You will also make lifelong friends and many other interesting contacts.
An exchange student should be flexible and have the capacity for taking the initiative.

Four suitcases.
Getty Images. Photo: Getty Images.,Getty Images/iStockphoto

As a student registered in semester 4 in the Master's programme in Translational Physiology and Pharmacology you have two options to go abroad for your data collection (degree project).

1) As officially nominated: to go on exchange as officially nominated you have to apply by Friday 13 of June, 2025 at 11am; the deadline of our second round of applications (if any exchange study places are left) is set to Wednesday 13 of August at 11am. 

Application link 

2) As freemover: there is no deadline to apply to go abroad as freemover, but all paperwork needs to be handed in to the international coordinator no later than 4 to 6 weeks before the start of your traineeship. Documentation handed in after this date will result in the student non being able to go abroad as freemover.

Study abroad as officially nominated in semester 4 


At the moment, the study programme has two formal agreements.

Two students can apply to go to Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal), Sapienza Università di Roma (Italy) or Universitat de Barcelona (Spain) in semester 4 to collect data for their degree project examined at KI. 

Application deadline

For exchange in semester 4: Friday June 13, 2025 at 11am

Registration is now open: Online Applicatin form

Second round of application

If any exchange study places are still available after the first round of applications, there will be a second round of application. 

Deadline: Wednesday August 13, 2025 at 11am. 

When going to Lisbon, Rome or Barcelona, you will receive an Erasmus+ traineeship scholarship and will be fully insured through Sweden's Legal, Financial and Administrative Services agency's STUDENT UT insurance (Kammarkollegiet).


To be eligible for exchange studies in semester 4 you need to have passed all courses in semester 1 and 2.

General requirements

You must have studied at least one year at KI (60 ECTS). Specific rules regarding additional study merits may be specified by the university abroad. You must be eligible to continue your studies at KI before you go on exchange. You must have a good command of the language of instruction in order to go abroad. Within the Erasmus+ Programme you will be required to show results in a language test (Erasmus+OLS). An exchange must be at least two months (Min. 60 days within Erasmus+) up to a full semester.


Selection and nomination

  • You must have studied at least one year at KI (60 ECTS). Specific rules regarding additional study merits may be specified by the univer sity abroad.
  • You must be eligible to continue your studies at KI before you go on exchange. 
  • You must have a good command of the language of instruction in order to go abroad. Within the Erasmus+ Programme you will be required to show results in a language test (Erasmus+OLS).
  • You must be able to accredit your exchange studies at Karolinska Institutet (only applies to exchanges in semester 3).
  • An exchange must be at least three months (Min. 90 days within Erasmus+) up to a full semester.

Selection criteria

The International committee of the Master's programme in Translational Physiology and Pharmacology has decided on a number of selection criterias for exchange studies within the programme. You must comply with a number of basic requirements. If you fulfil the basic requirements your application will then be considered for nomination according to the following criterias:

  • Study results (0-5 points): Based on passed courses within your current programme, when they were passed and grades received.
  • Previous research experience in relevant fields (0-5 points): (excluding those included in study programmes, e.g. graudate theses, junior projects etc). If you claim research credentials, you must attach a letter of reference from your research supervisor with the application.
  • Promotion work for KI (0-2 points): Extra-curricular work in order to promote education at KI, e.g. as digital ambassador, student ambassador, work as MF student representative on the programme committee or other bodies within KI. Note that assessment of these commitments is specific to the biomedical programmes and BUS has a template for the certificates. Only certified activities will be considered.
  • Overall assessment of the application (0-5 points):
    • The overall assessment includes
  • Letter of Motivation, including why you would be a good candidate to be nominated for exchange studies, max one A4 page,
  • Other commitments, e.g. extra work or involvement in other associations
  • Special interest in particular courses and/or institutions. demonstration of your competence to continue your studies at KI at the time of your departure
  • Letter of Reference
  • Language skills: your mastery of the language of instruction at the foreign university or how you plan to acquire the necessary language skills.
  • Good ambassador: you have to be a good ambassador for Karolinska Institutet. As an exchange student from KI, you will be representing KI at the host university. You will be a small part of the image that the host university has of KI, and furthermore a guarantee of continued student exchange.

Erasmus rules: as an Erasmus student you must also comply with the requirements posed by the EU Commission in Brussels – you must have studied at a college/university for at least one year and remain away for at least 2 and not more than 12 months.


World map
World map Photo: N/A


What to include in the application:

1. The Application Form

Follow the directions in the Application Form carefully. After you have submitted your application online you will receive an automatic generated email with a link that you will have to follow in order to complete your application with all the extra documents necessary to finalize the application process. This last step can be done online directly in Mobility Online.

2. Curriculum Vitae (CV) in English

  • Your CV should be well-written in reverse chronological order and easy to understand.
  • If you do not already have a CV, a web site that can help you to get started is Europass.
  • State your language skills according to the EU CEFR scale.
  • You do not need to send any supporting documentation, but should be prepared to produce it on request.

3. Transcript of Records

  • A Transcript of Records in English from the Ladok register should be included in your application as proof of your study merits. It can be obtained by yourself directly from "Ladok on Web". No stamp or signature is required on this document.
  • If you are lacking 7,5 hp or more for your application, you should attach an appendix explaining why.

4. Motivation Letter in English

  • A personal statement of motivation should be written in English and be a maximum of one A4 page in length, using the Times New Roman, 12 point font.
  • Your motivation letter is an important part of your application and should therefore be well-written. Present yourself briefly in the introduction and bear in mind that the letter should deal with why you wish to take part in an exchange. Experience and special interests referred to in the letter should be relevant to your application.

5. Documented research experience

In case you have research experience (such as a summer internship at a lab, etc.) outside of your regular Bachelor's and Master's programme, include a certificate, diploma, or letter from the supervisor – must be signed and stamped.

6. Reference Letter

A reference letter is a mandatory document in order to apply for exchange studies

A hand holding up a small globe.
Photo: Porapak Apichodilok
Travel airplane
Photo: GettyImages

Study abroad on your own in semester 3

For students interested in going abroad in semester 3 during the Research Project 1 and 2 (15 ECTS) you need to hand in all the documentation via email to your international coordinator no later than Friday 20 of September 2024 as you will be going abroad as freemover. Documentation handed in after this date will result in the student non being able to go abroad as freemover. Only students doing their internship within the European Community will be awarded a scholarship. To receive an Erasmus scholarship you need to be abroad for at least 60 days. You can however go abroad for a shorter period of time but with no scholarship.

There are no limitations to which countries you can travel to as freemover, as long as you can find a suitable project at a company/organisation/institution as well as a project specific supervisor. All the projects, however, need to be approved by the Programme Director. If the project abroad is relevant to your study programme at KI, you will be insured via Karolinska Institutet while abroad and may be able to receive an Erasmus+ traineeship scholarship if your project will be done in a country within the European Union

Study abroad on your own in semester 4

If you do not wish to go on exchange to the University of Lisboa (Portugal) or Sapienza Università di Roma (Italy) in semester 4 you can also go abroad as "freemover" to do an internship in companies/organisations/institution. There is no need to apply for exchange studies within the deadline above but all paper work (including any possible visa) needs to be finalized 4-6 weeks before departure - that is no later than Monday 9 December 2024. Documentation handed in after this date will result in the student not being able to go abroad as freemover. Only students going abroad as freemovers in one of the European Union countries can be awarded a scholarship for traineeships through Erasmus+. To receive an Erasmus scholarship you need to be abroad for at least 60 days. We have no limitations to which countries you can go to as freemovers, as long as you can find a suitable project at a company/organisation as well as a project specific supervisor. All the projects however, need to be approved by the degree project course leader. If the project abroad is relevant to your study programme at KI, you will be insured via Karolinska Institutet while abroad and may be able to receive an Erasmus+ traineeship scholarship if your project will be done in a country within the European Union.

No stipends are awarded to students going abroad as freemover outside the European Union.


To be eligible for exchange studies in semester 3: student needs to have passed the course "Integrated Physiology and Pharmacology" and "Physiological and Pharmacological Mechanisms and Experimental Approaches" in semester 2. 

To be eligible for exchange studies in semester 4: student needs to have passed all courses in semester 1 and 2

General requirements

  • You must have studied at least one year at KI (60 ECTS). Specific rules regarding additional study merits may be specified by the university abroad.
  • You must be eligible to continue your studies at KI before you go on exchange. 
  • You must have a good command of the language of instruction in order to go abroad. Within the Erasmus+ Programme you will be required to show results in a language test (Erasmus+OLS).
  • You must be able to accredit your exchange studies at Karolinska Institutet (only applies to exchanges in semester 3).
  • An exchange must be at least three months (Min. 90 days within Erasmus+) up to a full semester.

Summer and post-graduation internships 

As freemover you can go abroad anywhere in the world. However, you will receive a scholarship only if you do your internship in one of the EU countries. All paper work needs to be emailed to the international coordinator no later than 4 weeks before the end of the semester. For more information about going abroad as freemover please visit this page.

Information about our partner universities

General information about exchange studies

International Coordinator

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Åsa Landes

International Coordinator

Study abroad on your own

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Giulia Grillo Mikrut

International coordinator

Programme director

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Jessica Norrbom

Programme director

Director of Studies

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Duarte Ferreira

Director of Studies
Content reviewer:
Åsa Landes