For students attending the The Master's Programme in Translational Physiology and Pharmacology Study information and regulations

Here you will find information and regulations for students on rights and obligations you have as a student, ie information on admissions, examination, and study breaks.

Student rights and responsibilities

You can read about what rights and obligations you have as a student. You can find information about cheating, examination regulations, student influence and more. The basic regulations for higher education are set out in the Higher Education Act (SFS 1992:1434) and the Higher Education Ordinance (SFS 1993:100) which also include subsequent amendments. Student rights

Requirements for the courses

Please check the course syllabus for information on the course, such as the eligibility requirements, goals for the learning outcomes and information on examinations for the course. Also keep yourself updated on the course web page.

Student's Guide

In these programme web pages you find programme specific information ie programme outline, requirements and contact information.

On the KI web pages for current students, you can find the information you might need as a student at Karolinska Institutet that is not specific to your study programme.

In Canvas (the KI main learning platform) you find the course pages for each specific course. To get access the material for the course you need to be registered for the course. Normally you can register to a course a week prior to the start of the course.

Register for courses in the Ladok-system. As a student, you have access to a student interface in Ladok where you can get an overview of your studies and do certain tasks on your own

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Sofia Pettersson

Education Officer
Content reviewer: