For students attending the course Bioinformatics from a physiological and pharmacological perspective (7,5 credits) course code 4FF004

The aim of the course is to equip students with an understanding of computational methods that enable the handling and analysis of complex data sets and systems commonly used in physiology and pharmacology. Special emphasis is placed on integrating computational techniques and methods with the experimental models and approaches that are the subject of parallel courses during term 2 of the Translational Physiology and Pharmacology program.



Link to schedule. (Spring 2024). The schedule for spring 2025 is published 2 weeks before the coursese starts.

About the course

The course is held on campus with full-time teaching (100%). Full-time teaching corresponds to 40 hours of study per week.

The course starts January 20 2025, and runs for 5 weeks. 


Registration is mandatory in order to keep your place and participate in the course. You register yourself in Ladok. The registration is open from one week before the course starts and three days after.

More information about web registration.


Sofia Pettersson

Course administrator

Course evaluation and course analysis

Content reviewer: